Losing someone's trust is like crumpling up a piece of paper, even if you try to fix it, it will never be the same
Sunday, June 5, 2011 | 11:06 AM | 0 comments

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.

Kay hai~ Hehe. I shall post about Uhh. KC Carnival on 28/5/2011. Right.
So my class is in charge of the cutleries, utensils and the delivery thingy. My shift was 11.30 to 12.45. Yeahh, then we have to sit under the hot sun and wait for the stupid van to come so that we can go direct/help them go to the stall and put the stuff there. Gahahaha, but the songs played were (Y). They played like 'Keep your Head Down', 'Boyfriend', 'OK Girl', 'Fiction','Mirror Mirror', 'Intuition', 'Time Please Stop' and manymanymore Korean Songs.

So, like first we ate JingHui's bubble gum. Hehe, the one from KL. Then, we walked around cause our free time was like from 8.20 to 9.05. Crappy sia, Carnival haven't even start yet. But from 9 to 9.05, we went for Meteorite. We were like the second customer. Costs 10 bucks like last year. But this time, cause we second customer then the queue not so long so we managed to ride on it longer. (:

Then, after that we went back, then Ms tay gave us our shift. Since my shift was 11.30, I went to play first la. So then, there were 2 haunted houses. FUNNNN sia. First haunted house was the 302 one, at the music room. I went with Jamie, QianLin, Vidya... and uhh Cheryl Ng. Yeahh. Oh JingHui also. Hehe. Then I was the last person so then, there is a guide right at the front and right at the back so Jamie was in front of me then she super scared. Cause we tie our hands to the back so her hands were behind, she kept grabbing onto my pants and she pulled it down, then she pull my shirt up. Hehe, she damn cute la, she started screaming "I'M SORRY SIMYEE! I DON'T WANT TO PLAY LIAO!" Then I was like, "Why are you apologizing ==" Just move forward. Continue to walk don't be scared." So, then I started kicking her forward. LOL. My hands were tied mah, so cannot push her. 

Then, inside got the ghost start climbing on the floor. Then, they far away that time, they keep damn quiet. But when they get close to you, they start screaming. Then, there was this 'ghost' grabbing a toy doll with it's head chopped off and blood all over the toy. Some more, I last person. This random ghost at the exit there, grabbed me and said,"Darling! Don't go. Stay and play with me~" I was like, "Uhh, Okay?"

Then, Qianlin and Cheryl Ng got scolded cause we went to the haunted house when it was their shift. Then, Qianlin showed Ms Gail Yap an attitude. Then, Ms Yap go complain to Ms Tay. Ms Tay come out scold them. Then, Cheryl's hand got cut by the string thingy from the Haunted House cause her hands were tied together too tigh. Then, Cheryl go tell Ms Tay she fell down. She bad. ):

After that, I spent like 3/4 of my time in the Drama Room with Ms Tay, Ms Wu and other friends(: From 106 cause Ms Tay only allow us to be in there. Hehe, then I help Ms Humphries carry her scotch tape to the General office then my nails all very long, she call me to cut. :D

Then, I had my shift. So, then the 'evil' Ms Tay was in the Drama Room. Then, the Drama Room got a black window. You can see outside from inside but you cannot see inside from outside. Uhh... Yeah(: Hehe, then Ms Tay go sit over there and see whether we got do our job or not. Evil la. Scary shit. Then, all of us don't dare to slack. LOL.

After that, I went for henna(?). I think spelled like that. Not sure :\ Hehe, then I go call them write the word 'Jaejoong'. Spent 5 bucks on it. Hehe, fading already. Then Sam started screaming at me,"PEOPLE WRITE THEIR OWN NAME! YOU GO AND WRITE JAEJOONG. WHAT THE HELL?" 

Then, when we were in the Drama Room, when someone opens the door, we will scream at that person. LOL. Then, we screamed at Mr Farhan. He stone for a while, then we were like 'awkward'. Then, he broke the silence,"I want mineral water..." Then, we bursted out laughing. Hahaha. But, we stopped after a while cause a teacher scolded us. Then, Debbie, Raelyn, Ke En and the rest were playing 'Concentration' then Ms Tay started messing them up by blabbering random numbers, then they either out of beat or not miss their turn. Heh, then the rest of us? We started cam-whoring. (:

Hehe, then after my shift, me and Jamie went to the soft toy there to buy random stuff cause she had no where else to spend her money. She bought this green dog, a chicken with bulging eyes. A tiger thingy. And another few. LOL. I can't even remember. But, I <3 her dog. Her dog was super soft. Hehe. 

After that, Vic, Lala, Ke En, Vidya and me wanted to go into the 305 Haunted House together. But Ms Tay only allowed us to go if Ms Wu followed us. Then I told Ms Wu, "老师,可以跟我们一起去吗?如果你怕,你可以拉我的裤子." Then, everyone, including Ms Tay started laughing. She was like,"WHOA! You all so desperate!" Hahaha, epic. (Y)

So the haunted house is supposedly a 'Hospital' thingy. And we are supposed to go in and find Clara. Technically, you just have to follow the guide cause there is like only one path. Then, Clara will jump out of the cupboard. But, the thing is, random ghost will come and grab not only your foot but your face. They will practically slap you on the face. -.- Then, at the end Clara will jump out of the cupboard. But then, for my one, Clara came out late. The guide had to scream,"UHH! CLARA! CLARA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Then, Clara jump out. Cause at the entrance, you supposed to take a ticket from the person. Lala says from the ghost though. So not sure :\ Then, give to Clara at the end. Oh, and we found out only 4 people could go in at one time so only Ke En, me, Vic and Lala went. Ms Wu sat outside and Vidya went with Andrea Yeo, Lee Yeh and the rest. 

Super funn, cause I was the last person. Again. Then, our position was Lala first, then Vic, then Ke En, then last me~ Hehe, then we grabbed onto each other's shirt cause our hands tied in front of us. Unlike the other one. So then, the ghost/person/wtv told Lala,"Take the ticket!" That thing told Lala to take the ticket like 3times and Lala's reaction was,"Uh? Huh?" Then, the thing gave up trying to give the ticket to Lala. Hehe. So Lala didn't take the ticket. But then, the person (Yes, I'm sure it was a human) told me,"Oi! Take the ticket!" That's why I took it. Oh and the respectful me said,"Thank you~" LOL. XD Being the last person... Sigh... Cause there were 3 clowns. Then, they attacked the first few people already then come attack me. So, I was left behind with 3 clowns blocking my way. Ke En started screaming,"EHY? Where's Sim Yee?" Then, I started laughing while saying,"Excuse meeee!" Hahaha.

Then, we went back to the Drama Room, Ms Tay started blabbering about a news from the newspaper thingy. I will cut out some parts. Gahaha, then we were like what's lap dancing? Then, Sam said exotic dancing while wearing revealing clothes. Then, Ms tay was like, NEED TO WEAR CLOTHES MEH? I THOUGHT NAKED?! Then, we just collapsed with laughter. (:

The Pope has shut down a 500-year-old monastery in Rome that became famous for a lap dancer turned nun and had been visited by Madonna.One of the nuns, Sister Anna Nobili, spent many years working as an exotic dancer in Italian nightclubs. Nobili said she changed her life after a religious experience while visiting the shrine of St. Francis of Assisi, a place of pilgrimage for Catholics, in 2002.She kept dancing after becoming a nun, performing what she called “The Holy Dance” in front of senior Catholic leaders, including Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's Cultural Department.
She read out these parts for us. Then we were like o.o" Then, Kar Yee kept calling me to bring 10 friends to the bouncy castle thingy to bounce for 10 minutes. FOR 5 DOLLARS. EXPENSIVE SHITTT): Then, there was the dunking machine. They dunk Ms Chua, Mr Bryan Tan, Ms Humphries, Mr Farhan, Joan Lim (Can't remember whether she is Mrs or Ms), Ms Heng, Mr Tan Swee Hong, Mrs Goh (Vice-principal) and one more I think. Can't remember who. GAAHHAA. Epic la. They couldn't get out lorh. Then, we had a lucky draw thingy. I can't remember the prize. Heh, top prize is like 'IPAD2' hor. Don't look down on our school. Then 2nd price is MP3. Then, got NTUC vouchers. Vacuum Cleaner. (Mr Ang won that, I think) Total of 20 prizes. Awesome. But I neh enter so... :D

Ohh, still have football match. My class won 3rd. It's like the number of goals. LOL. We only got 1 goal and we managed to win 3rd. WOW.

LOL. The string to tie our hands for the Haunted House.


Then, the toys and all. Foyer~

The bouncy castle which Kar Yee is in charge of.

The tiger which Jamie bought! Ms Wu stuck it on the wall. Cute ttm.

The tents which the girl guides put up. Damn cool~

Gahaha, then the pathway + the big tent with the food.


Then, random slacking + cam-whoring in the Drama Room

Then, Ms Tay. GAHAHAH. Vidya and Jamie (Y)

AHAHAH. Sarah hugging Jamie's Green Dog.

My Henna. <3

Jamie, Sam and Jinghui singing and dancing to random songs like Romeo and Juliet by Taylor Swift.

Sam going mad. Ms Tay actually allowed us to lie on the floor. So, Sam started rolling around. LOL.

So cute la, she.

GAHAHAH. And the window. Can see outside from inside. But from outside cannot see inside. Oh, they watching football match. Hehe.

I guess, that's it. This is one damn long post sia. Hehe. Ah well.
Kay, thanks people. Byee~

Oh, the video of Ms Chua getting dunked. LOL.
