“And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.”
Saturday, April 16, 2011 | 10:25 AM | 0 comments

KAY, SO YAY! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! WOOHOO! Hehe! 16/4/2011, my 13th birthday (Y)
So yepp, yesterday was super awe-shum. I went out with Ke En, Vic, Lala and Sam for the first time in my life. Ohh, so I took the bus for the first time and it was like purely FUN! We ate at Swensens la.

Walking our way to the BUS STOP from the overhead bridge at ECP(:

So first we took the bus to Parkway there. I paid 60cents cause I didn't have any 55cents -.- Then, Sam made me press the 'stop' button, I thought she was joking, so I didn't press it. Then someone else pressed it. I realized I had to press it, so I pressed it for the second time. FAIL LA. Then Sam told me I wasn't supposed to press it for the second time. Vic la, then say what my bus pass have $0 right, she said my bus pass now have $-5 cause they fine me for wasting the 'Ding-Dong' sound, the light and everything -.- Hehe, such an awesome bus experience :D

These 3 pictures were taken at... er... outside the bus stop lurh. Then, Qian Lin has to go for Choir, so we said bye to her there. ): Sad la, I wished she was there luhhh. D:

Sam, Ke En and Vic all squeeeeeeze :D

They told me to press the diamonds on the pole for one million time -.- And I actually did it. What was going on in meeeeee?

Then, when we reached Ke En suddenly donate to the old man $1.60. Then Vic and me saw, also donate to him $2 each lorh. Ke En saw, then donate another $2. The Sam and Lala, un-kind souls. Hehe, jkjk. They neh donate lorh.

After that, we had to cross the road to Parkway, we went in by Carl's Junior or smth -.- So right, there were like no cars, but it was still the red man, Sam, she just RANNNNNNN her way through. Then the rest of us were like staring at her O.O And we screamed tooooooooo~ Haha, then the green man came on, we ran lorh. Then we had our hand up, showing the 'stop' sign. So cute la~

Then, Vic saw KFC. She started screaming, "is it 12 yet?????? IS IT?" We were like,"NO" Then she ran off to KFC saying that there is porridge until 12 and that she wanted to buy it -.- We started screaming at her, totally embarrassing ourselves lorh. BUT HECK CARE :D

So, we were in the toilet, only got 3 cubicles. Vic quickly run inside one of the cubicle, then the other 2 cubicles are like locked -.- So Sam, Lala and I decided to go to the other toilet (: Then, Ke En wait for Vic. Then, right, Sam took the camera then wanted to take a pic of Vic changing through the small hole from on top, THEN RIGHT, THIS WOMAN CAME IN AND SAW US DOING THAT. Sooo embarrassing -.-

After that, we went to Swensens -.- We started screaming at each other to settle what to buy :D Everyone was staring at us luh :D


Haha, the cheese stick! Me, Lala, Sam then Ke En~ Vic was taking the picture so she is not included :D

Haha, 5 pieces of cookies which costs $4.80~!

Most of the pictures are of me eating like a pig -.- Psh.

Ke En fed me the parsley. I ate it and almost died. IT WAS SO FRIGGIN' BITTER. Then I wanted to get rid of the taste by eating the corn. I poured the corn down my throat, then the juice thingy went down my mouth instead -.- Walao, it was like diluted butter with parsley. LIKE SHITXZ. -.- Then Ke En threw the corns at me ): OHH, the corn right, must eat with pepper and salt. :D Very nice. Then Lala, me and Sam were like snatching for it. :D

Vic then said that her mum never allows her to play with the salt and that now that her mum is not there, she can finally play with it -.- She go take the salt, then pour into mine and Lala's coke. Walao, super sian, taste like shit. Then Vic said," THATS WHY MY MUM NEVER ALLOWS ME TO PLAY WITH SALT."

Haha, we took like one hour to eat lorh. Hehe, then Vic got the card right, if you buy the kid's meal, you get one scoop of freee ice-cream :D Hehe, then we got one small scoop of Sticky Chewy Chocolate which took 10minutes -.- We had to raise our hand and call them to hurry up -.- Hehe, then so small, we were like barbarians snatching for it (:

Hehe. Then, before that, we wanted to make a star using our legs but then too many people so... it was failed. But very cute lurh~! 

Haha, I must go out with them again!
Superrr FUN!!! 
Hehe, okay luh. 
Have to go liao.
Continue blogging 2moro(: 
