No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning.
Saturday, April 23, 2011 | 10:28 AM | 0 comments

Kay, so hai people. I wanted to blog like since 17 April and look at the date now -.- Damn failed lurh.

So, I shall start from school. Hehe, Mr Farhan came back but he is still not teaching us. Mrs Boey is. -.- SHE PISSES ME OFF LIKE SHITTTTT. She is soooooooo boring. D: Then, she makes people stand for so long. Before asking people to stand for the whole lesson, she asks,"DOES ANYONE OF YOU HAVE BACK PROBLEMS?" So retarded seh. The Mr Chua just come in and sit then sometimes talk-talk a little bit lorh. Mr Chua 10X more kinder than Mrs Boey. He allowed us to on our phoneee. Then, we played Angry Birds under the table. LAWL. 

Psh, then Sarah, she like shit seh. She kena scolded by Bryan Tan cause she like so rude la. During Chinese, the teacher in 105 said that Xiuting had to leave because of family problems (her grandfather was sick la), then Sarah go scream so loudly,"WHO IN HER FAMILY DIED?" So friggin rude seh. Then, 3 hours later, Xiuting's grandfather died. So sad lurh. 

Still got... er.. MS TAY. THAT PERVERTIC OLD LADY. D: 
"When guys see something that excites them, they are allowed to go back and call their wife help them. Then, when the wife sees something that excites her, she is not allowed to go back and hump their husbands." She said that. The first teacher ever to say the word 'hump' in front of meee. We were like totally disgusted lorh. 
Then, she wanted to write on the boards 'HUMPH!', she write wrongly, then go write 'HUMP!' Walao. So sick sehhhhhhh. "Don't let dogs hump you. Let dogs hump each other." Or smth liddat lurh. -shivers-

Then she was like talking about 爱 (the show), then she was like,"THAT SHOW IS SUPER LONG. AND SUPER BORING. THEY SHOULD JUST CHOP EVERYONE DEAD AND STOP THE SHOW!" Then, we laughed like mad (as usual). 

Ms Shekhu is still awesomely funny lurh. Cause that day, the choir gurls went for SYF. So, QianLin wasn't sitting next to me. Somemore, I sit right at the front. Then, Ms Shekhu wanted to lend my Geog Workbook, so she made me sit next to her -.- Like shitttttt. I knew I was screwed cause I didn't do a lot of mah homework(: Hehe~ Then she started blabbering,"ACTUALLY, I HAVE GREAT KINDNESS IN MY HEART UH." So funnehhhhhh. 

So yepp, last week was my bday~ WOOHOO~ I shall post about my birthday and all now.

Vanessa Lim bought the JYJ keychains + Ryeowook pen and drew the card for me :D Hehe, thankyouuu~

 They were fighting in Mini Toons, deciding whether to buy the guy or girl tortoise. Hehe, Lala wanted the guy then Vic wanted the girl. So, they decided to buy the guy one. Then, they change their mind, so they went back in there and called the woman to change it into the girl one -.-

Vic and Lala went to buy this card for me. Then they can't find the woman one, so they bought the male one and changed all the words + draw on the guy's face so that it will look like a girl. So failed lurh. But nice la. :D

Ke En bought this 'standing' DOMO for mee. It costs like $14++. So expensive luh. Thanks uh Ke En. ^^

Sam bought me this keychain~ So cuteee :D

Rachel Wee's card for meeee(: Hehe.

AHAHAHA. ANDREW. Cute like mad lurh him(:

So yeah, then on my birthday, I had to go to school. For this talk at Nanyang Girls'. So boring. I almost died during the first half of it cause they talked for like so loooooong. Then, somemore it was cheeeena. Me, Fangting and Jamie just sat there and kept complaining about our hunger. LOL. Until like 11, we managed to eat lorh.

But, second half was okay. Cause there was this woman, her name was 尤今, she is like damn funny seh. Then, during the second-half, I ate already so it was still okay. But I cried, cause there was this damn touching story lor. 

Yeah, then there was this gangster-like-man

So, then we started to camwhore in the buss

So yeah, this is the veh sad and touching story (There were others also. But I too lazy to post la :\) 

