I want to stop time and be by your side all the time...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011 | 6:59 AM | 0 comments

Kay, so yeah. My exams started today :O
Higher Chineseeeeeeee, damnnn hard sehh. The normal Chinese people all say their paper veh easy but the Higher Chinese all say damn hard lorh. ):
Tomorrow havin' English, super scared I fail sia. Then have to go NA. Scary shit -.-
Gah, so i won't blog until my exams are over or not like on Saturday. (Maybe)
I wanna do well for me exams lehh.

Oh, and i am going crazy over Seoshi by Shin Sung Woo. So niceee(:
Hehe, Teukie totally ruined the song when he sang it on the Sukira. Super funny la~
Jae's version was very niceee:D But he didn't sing the whole songgg. Yesung's one was short but it was nice too.
Teukie's one was just plain epicc. His voice cracked like shit. Hahahah~

Eeteuk's version.

Jae's version.

Yesung's version.

The original version by Shin Sung Woo.

Kay, so byee. I will upload pictures of Mandy's birthday up soon. And the crap that happened -.-
So yeah, Bye. For now.
Hehe, Thankyou~ <3
