手牵手我的朋友, 爱永远在你左右
Friday, June 3, 2011 | 3:26 AM | 0 comments

Why do you make it so hard for me?

Kay, I'm one day late again. :D

Hehe, so hai. (: Today... uhh, I went Empire Shopping Gallery or smth. Ate Chillis. Ohmygod~
The salmon + prawn + Mash Potato + Brocolli = LOVEEE.
Haha, then there was this BIGGBIGG slide which is from like 4th floor to the 1st floor. Scary shit sia. It's like round and round, then so high. So obviously I didn't go for it. Ohh, and Andrew got a fever so he went to the hospital thingy. Then, in the car, Papa, Kar Yee, Mandy and me went to the bank thingy then I saw my ex-principal. LOL. Dr-dunno-what. ._.

GAHAHAH, then 2 days ago, at night, we wanted to buy satay. So we stopped outside the shop. Then, next to the shop, there was this restaurant with free wi-fi. So then there was this girl playing her ipad, then...

Me: EHY, is that girl playing her ipad?
Kar Yee: NO! It's a sanitary pad.
Andrew: What's a sanitary pad? (LOL.)
Mummy: -Glare at Kar Yee- See, you keep teaching him nonsense.
Kar Yee: Hehe, it's pampers.
HAHAHAHA, then we started laughing like shit.

So... My post today's gonna be about Founder's day.

Yeah, we went to school at the normal time, then we went to class to put our bag, then we went to the hall. Then, hear them blabber about Father Barre. Hear the same thing for 6 years straight. -_- So then we had mass, damn awesome. (Y) Although we sat there for like 2hours++, the fan was like working very well~ And the priest was veh funny. (: So, it was quite okay la. Hehe, we sang Table of Plenty, Shine Jesus Shine, The Alleluia Song -.-, Father Barre Song, You Are Mine, Caritas Share the Love and Hold On to Our Dream. Hehe, during the Hymn Practices, Vic said during her funeral she wanted us to play 'You Are Mine' because 'You will hear my voice, I will claim you as my choice.' That sentence very scary. -_-

I will come to you in the silence
I will lift you from all your fear
You will hear My voice
I claim you as My choice

Be still, and know I am near
I am hope for all who are hopeless
I am eyes for all who long to see
In the shadows of the night,
I will be your light
Come and rest in Me
Do not be afraid, I am with you
I have called you each by name
Come and follow Me
I will bring you home
I love you and you are mine.
 Then, the sec 4 very awesome la. during Caritas Share the love and Hold on to our dream, they stood up, hold onto each other and then started swaying and singing. Remind me of my P6 years. Then, I started to tear up a little. super niceee la(:

After that, we had this Indian performance thingie by the people from MGD school. They came over for exchange prog with KC, I think. WTV la, I thought it would be like damnnnnnn boring cause you know, weird Indian dancing, not interesting. -_- But hor, the woman turn so many rounds then neh fall down. :O Make me so amazed sia, she not dizzy one. Then, after thatm, this woman came oyut and said she is gonna sing. Then, I thought she gonna sing some Indian song. But, she started singing '手牵手' Woahh, her chinese very good sia, then her singing also veh niceee. At first, her voice shook a little cause she was scared, then she got used to it, and then sang very nice. Neh go out of tune. <3 After that, they had a combine perf, alot of people came out and starting singing and dancing.

Then, we had this weird prize-giving thingy. Somehow, I managed to win first prize for the Chinese Compo Competition. (Higher Chinese) I didn't even know. ._. Fail la.

Thankyou for clapping(:


K, going out for dinner liao. Byeeee~
