Life is a series of disappointment broken only by dark spells of depression
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 | 10:29 PM | 0 comments

You will hear my voice, I claim you as my choice.

I realized I only blogged one time last month. Sorry luh. ._. Got exam mah. Hehe, I will blog more this month... Since it's like the holiday. The long-awaited holidayy. LOL. So, I just came back to Malaysia like yesterday? Uhh, yupp. 31/5. Actually it's 12.36am now, so it's like 2days ago. Ah-ha. My awesome maths skills. LOL. Kay, so uhh, since like long time ago, I wanted to blog about HortPark and the Kent Ridge Park. But, I was too lazy :\ Bleh, I am like playing GrandChase cause Kar Yee forced me to do so -.-" I am like stoning there and Kar Yee is like playing. Hehe. I just timed out. XD

Oh, so yesterday + the day before, I was playing 999. Super FUNN. Oh Santa <3 He is like this Silver Hair Guy. He damn emo, then he was looking at a picture of his sister. Then he said...
Did you hear the story about the 2 Santa Clauses? Long time ago, there were 2 Santa Clauses. One was black and one was white. The white Santa gave presents to good kids and the black Santa played tricks on bad kids. His tricks became worse and worse that the white Santa couldn't stand it anymore and killed the black Santa with a knife. The blood went all over the white Santa's thus he has red clothes. You can say that the red is all that's left of the black Santa. And I wonder which Santa am I?
So, the game is like 9 people were chosen by Zero/The Mastermind to play the 'Nonary Game' which means we are all in the ship, then 9 of us have to get out of the ship within 9 hours alive. Creepy. But Awesome. That game has 6 endings and there is only one ending which 'you' die. And I got that ending. I DIDN'T EVEN GO INTO DOOR 9! WTH. Someone stabbed me! They described the whole scene but left out one important detail. And it was WHO KILLED ME. 

Kay, so I shall post about HortPark now. Hehe, after like forever. So at first, the weird teacher, I don't know her name. She said she needs groups of 5. So we thought, the whole class had to be in Groups of 5. Then we realized our class only needed 3 groups of 5. And the 3 groups of 5 people are supposed to go and join other classes. And just my luck, I had to be in Sonia Kaur's class. With Ms Scully. Perfect

Kay, random plants/ flowers/ etc.

Haha, then, got this leaf. Don't look down on it hor. Got medicinal value one k?
Gahaha, the worm(:
Then, the bird species (Y)
Oh, 105~
Then, the green snake.

K, I'll blog 2moro about Founder's day and KC Carnival. (Y)
