No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.
Monday, May 16, 2011 | 7:50 AM | 0 comments

Okay, so YAY! MYE's overr~
Whee, so yeah, all my subjects were quite okay. Except for Chinese Oral, which I think I am gonna fail for -.- And English Listening Compre. I couldn't hear properly la. -.-" The stupid voice thingy so muffle up all the voices lurh :\ Whee, anyways, lets like re-wind back a few days.

Okay, so it was like Mandy's birthday... Last Month -.-

OH, look Kar Yee and Andrew eating :D

And the birthday cake(:

Then, now we have Andrew's birthday. :D

The cake before the fire:
The cake without the candles:
Kar Yee, the pig -.-

Haha. Then, the cake piece, with the awesome marshmallow :D
AHAHAH. Andrew playing with the lego toy -.- Super cute la him :D

Yeah, so I am done with the picture spam of Mandy and Andrew's birthday. :D Finally. As for the crap that happened, it's a loooooong story -.- I'll blog about it next time. Maybe. Hehe. Ah, well. ZOMG. 11pm, which is 12am KST 17052011. BEAST FACT AND FICTION ALBUM RELEASE. Gahh, can't wait siaaa. Junhyung, Doojoon~~ LOLOL!

K, so I shall wait for Beast's album.
