Friends leave. People change. Promises are broken. Friendship ends. Love has faded. Life goes on and it breaks your heart into bits.
Friday, April 15, 2011 | 7:47 AM | 0 comments

Kay, today's post will be like superr long, cause so many things happened. Maybe I will just separate into 2 posts. One for today, the other for 2moro. WTV la, see how.

Er, so this week, I had my home econs practical! I had to wash all the dishes cause JingHui kept slacking): Then, we end up having to throw rubbish lorh.

This one, the dish-washing auntie, Vic~

The disabled auntie who needs Sam to feed her(:

The auntie is scared of the camera! :D

Sam, me and Jamie :D

Jamie wants to kill me with the knife. LOL.

Qian Lin eatinggg(: So cute lurh

Sam's vietnamese noodles with fried chicken, damn niceee(:

Rae's mac with cheese(:

Rachel Wee lurh, eat, eat, eat~

Urh, Lala's penne~

Vic's chocolate chip cookies :D

Oh, then I went back to KCP with Sam, Ying-ah, Rae, Qian Lin and Rachel. Rachel and Qian Lin act like ex-KCP students then come in also lurh. Then, we waited for Ms Tan to celebrate her bday. She left school early with her bf to celebrate her bday. Then, we waited at the martia road gate for her. When we called her, she said she driving over. 

Then, got this taxi go past. Then Sam go scream,"IT'S MS TAN!" Then, I was like,"DIDN'T SHE SAY SHE IS DRIVING A CAR?" Sam said,"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" Then the taxi door open... This Malay maid or smth came out -.- Epic fail luh Sam. 

Then, like 5 minutes later, she came. Walao, she came with her bf la. "Mr Fish" or smth -.- She wore this dress, super short and revealing. Her make-up like dunno-what liddat. Then, her high-heels are like super high, red colour some more. Like totally bright red which stands out o.o We saw, then we were like "WOW!" Hehe, then I gave her a bday pressie + a card with mine, Sam, Vic and Lala's crap inside. 

Then, yeah. We hug, take picture then say byebyeeee~

After that, we went to Fu lao shi. Then, we hugged. Then, right Fu lao shi was like,"你的学业很好, 可惜你的妹妹没有比你好." Obviously referring to Mandy. I was like "awkward" laugh -.- Then, we had a whole talk about the weird email writing or smth. Then suddenly, she said Qian Lin looks like someone from her P2 class the last time. 

Aiyah, the Qian Lin uh, look like everybody one. -.- Qian Lin looks like Lala, then Ms Tay say I look like Qian Lin and she even called me Qian Lin TWICE. Whatthehell. 

So, then I went for Handbells. They are crapped la. The Juniors are like "In their own world" -.- Always daydream one -.- The P6s <- Seniors la. Very good. But leaving next year so no point. Then, the amount of ppl left wll be like so pathetic. Then, the SYF cannot go lorh. Their playing is totally off beat. -sigh- 

After that, I had to wait for Mandy. So I do my homework while listening to my ipod. Then, Mrs Pauline Tan suddenly walk past, I kena shocked. Cause she walk from behind, so I neh see her. No time to keep my ipod. Then she like,"OH HI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Then, I told her handbells lorh. Then, talk for like a little while, then she had to leave. 

After that, I started touring around on the first floor cause I cant be bothered to do my hw -.- Then, I started taking random pictures~

Yalah, too laxy to put in the description and all, so forget it.
2moro, I will blog again.
So until then~ 
Gotta do my crappy tuition homework):
Then 2moro got school somemore D: 
But got hot guys la, so should be still okay~
