‎"When the five of our voices come together, there is a special something there. That is something that I know." -Jaejoong
Saturday, May 21, 2011 | 10:29 AM | 0 comments

I really don't know what to do sometimes...

Okay, so this post will be quite short. I think -.- Anyways, it will be about the time when mummy was in Malaysia, then Carine came to stay for one day then we went out to Tampines Mall together! Funn la(:
GAHAHAAH. Anyways, I wanted to post this like 49504748395 years ago. But, bleh, kept procrastinating so... I shall blog now :D

Okay, so actually I took the pictures to make Kar Yee feel jealous, but then they went Chillies so.. D:
So anyways, Carine stayed for one day, Calista wanted Carine to go home, so they cried and all. BlahBlahBlah.

Kay, then we wanted to sleep at like 12.30 Then, I on my music, so we went on blabbering until like 1.45. Oh and after Carine's family left, we went on this 'secret' mission for our SUPPER(: So we made ham with extraextra loads of butter~ When we went down, Mandy started screaming, "THERE'S ONLY 2 PIECES OF HAM!" Then, we were like,"OKAY, WE SHARE." But, then we checked again, there's actually 3 pieces of ham -.- So yeah, each of us got one~ ^^ So, when we put the butter, I got so pissed cause the butter was damn hard. So I used my fingers. Unhygienic, I know, I know.  -.- When we were waiting for the ham, we kept hearing noises, so we thought it was PoPo or GongGong. LOLOL. AHAHA, But in the end, no one knew(:

So, then we went to bed. But, there were like so many things, so I. YES I. Put everything on the floor. Beautifully. Hehe.

GAHAHA. So, we slept like that. I slept in between the 2 of them. I can only use one word to describe: Bad. It was so squashy. I had no spacee): They slept slanted, then I had to sleep damn straight -.-

Kay, so then we woke up at around 9. I woke up at 7, then fell asleep again. Then, after we woke up, we just lie down there. Then, talk :D But, we didn't want PoPo or GongGong to hear, so well, we were very very very... Sensitive to the noises around us. LOL. Yeah, then Mandy kept opening the window cause she said dunno what fresh air(?) Anyways, whenever she open the window, she had to close it. Cause we hear noises~ Then we watched Fahrenheit's 心疼你的心疼. Then, they were laughing at wuchun being a bodyguard -.- Okay, then we watch halfway, popo come in, we kena shock =="

Then, yeahh, blahh, we made a decision to go Tampines. So, then yepp. We drank a packet of milo(: Then left. Aftrer that, we went to eat at the foodcourt upstairs, near the cinema. We ate Jap food. I ate Spicy Ramen <3 Then, we had ice-kacang. After eating, we mixed everything up -.- So it looked disgusting. Anyways, the corn taste horrible.

^ Look like vomit -.-

Random Pictures :D

Then, we went to a lingerie shop to buy stuff -.-"

Whee(: 50% off. AHAHAH.

The guy with his hand on his ahem ahem.

Yeah, then we walked around~ Then, at this shoe shop, they played Love the way you lie. Then, I started rapping(:

Then, we walked around downstairs. Bought famous Amos.

AHAHA, We lied to Kar Yee and said we bought this, to make her jealous ;)

Of course, Tako Pachi <3

The Famous Amos.

It's expensive, must slowly bite and enjoy~

Anyways, after eating and all, they played here la.

Oh and my bear with #JaejoongEffect

GAHAHAAH, this pic came from behind the mirror. We told Kar Yee, we went there. LOL, see the middle sticker, guess what was written on it~

'Made in China'

Then, we had dinner + Dessert, which is longan and peach<3

Will blog 2moro about HortPark and Kent Ridge~
