I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate.
Saturday, April 2, 2011 | 9:45 AM | 0 comments

Haha(: Hellos everybody.
Monday got Geog Exam. Superr Worried seh. ):
Anyways, going back to school XD
Anyways, Mr Farhan is gonna ditch us for another 2 weeks, which means 5weeks around there -.-
So, Mr Angus/Agnes? Chua took over.
He was once from Engineering, then he said it was tiring + Boring. So he gave up and became a teacher instead.
He got posted to KC and he said that it was enjoyable. <- Obvious lie -.-
So, yeah. He randomly drew a domo on the whiteboard

Cute like mad la, his drawing.

Then, this week. During CCE, It was about 'Growing Up'. Ms Tay was like totally sick. Cause QianLin wrote that she has small(?) breast before 2010. Then Ms Tay was like, from side view, what is it? I said, FLAT BREASTS. Then, now, 2011, what is it? I told Ms Tay "Developed Breasts". She was like "OH! So you have developed breasts? Let me have a look!" Then she started coming closer to me -.-

After that, she started saying the mum got breast cancer or smth. Then she told us to get to know our body by touching ourselves. I was like "WTH?" She specified circular motion somemore. Then, Vanessa wanted to go toilet, Ms Tay said she was very enthu, so fast want to go look at her body alr. Vanessa was like -.-"

Then, err. Just on Friday, I had Project Work.

Random la. Cause Farizah, QianLin, Fiona and Vanessa were doing this experiment on Lego thingy. Then they separated it -.-

Mrs Koh helping us with the experiment XD

The results of the experiment. Cute seh(:

Cheryl Ng superr Hardworking. Hehe.

So, today have tuition. Mr Soh totally boring.
He randomly said that Kar Yee and me should have Christian names.
So, Kaily and Sherly or smth -.-
Then, he started laughing.
It wasn't funny but I didn't want to make things awkward, so I laugh also la -.-

Anyways, Jae kept his promise and sang the Thai Elephant Song.
Hehe, he made me addicted to it. So cute la him. He screwed up(:

Let me quote something.
"This is not goodbye, it's see you again" -Jan
She said that last year, on the last day of school in the video she made.
I teared up la(: Jan is just awesome k?

K, byeee people(:
