Be strong now, because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it won't rain forever
Friday, April 1, 2011 | 9:36 AM | 0 comments

Sigh.. So, yeah. I wanted to post about Suntec like last week.
But, yeah. i kept procrastinating -.-"
Actually, I wanted to blog today but yeah, I am like dead tired right now.
So, I will blog about Suntec today and 2moro about the whole week at school.
My blog is like totally dying liao lor. ): WTV la.

So, we went Suntec. Along with Popo, Zoe(?) I have no idea how you spell her name. -.-, Titus(?) and my aunty, uncle.

Thats Mandy and Andrew playing the gameboy. Pokemon, if I am not wrong. -.-

Haha, left over food(:
So, then yeah lorh. We ate at Tony Romas. Then, we went to buy my new com(:
Yes, this TOSHIBA one. I wanted the AlienWare one because of Jason aka Wooyoung. But this com is of much better quality or smth? Its cheap and nice to use(?) Aiyah, you get the gist la. :D

I was praying so frkking hard that we wont need to go swimming cause it drizzled a little then we were running late.

But, yeah. PLAN FAILED. -.-" Jeeeshh. We were like late for 10 minutes. ONLY. D:

Ohhh, heard that VTML (Vanessa Toh) got expelled. o.o Seriously la, although it's not my problem, I think it's too mean. But she has issues too -.-" She could have just been guai and not get into trouble la. I dunno what happened so I can't judge lorh. Heard that she is in home suspension now. <- Ms Tay say one.

Yala, so that's it uh.
I am sooo damn tired.
Gonna sleep now. ):
Byeeee people.
Oh and there's a cockroach beahind you!
Lame luh me :D
