I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 | 6:29 AM | 0 comments

Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change.

Whee~ Hello! So, yeah tomorrow I'll be going back to Singapore. Bleh, which means school holidays are gonna be OVER. Which is a bad thing cause I AM NOT EVEN HALF WAY THROUGH MY HOMEWORK YET. What the hell was I doing during the holidays man -.-

AND HOORAY. Shin Se Kyung and Jonghyun broke up. Not that I am mean or anything. It's just that there is hope for Jongkey to be together again. And well, I sorta expected this so... Yeah. :)

Okay, so I went Mid Valley today. Took like 35mins to look for a stupid parking spot. But then, our lunch was (Y). The Japanese food was niceee. Haha, the weird pizza thingy. Which took like forever to come. I ate the weird beef sauce/soup thingy and rice. IT WAS NICE. But I ruined my Miso Soup by putting in the weird chili sauce. Not that it's spicy or anything but it tastes and smells funny. But the chili flakes were awh-shum. Then, there was this meatball and onions thingy at the corner which was damn nice too. Then, there was the oranges which Andrew ate -.- 

Gahh, why is it so hot here? [RANDOM]
Hot Hot Hot Hot Summer~ 

Anyways, a few weeks ago, it was GongGong's birthday, so we had dinner together. Firstly, 
So before dinner, we went the mice/mine/wtv thingy. LOL. Then ate the awesome Vietnamese noodles with meat. YESH, MEAT. So then, after eating, I started telling Mandy about 'All My Love'. That is the best sit-com ever. Funny like mad sia. And my awesome doojoon~ <3 LOL. Boyfriend made a random cameo. Shindong and Sunhwa also. Youngmin from Boyfriend's cameo killed me. He is HOT. :D Kay so anyways, somebody started singing and kept covering my voice. This random Malaysian singer, Yean Ng? Or something. Then he had red hair. So then Papa pointed at him and said,"你看!那个 Ah Mao." LOL. My father damn cute sia. LOVE HIM TTM. (:

So, then we just went to like manymany places lor. Oh, I wanna watch Mr Popper's Penguin~ Looks so interesting! HAHAH.

--------- One Day Later -----------
Kay, so I reached Singapore already. Popo and GongGong are not here cause they went to Malaysia, to visit my great-grandmother, I think. But, they will be back tomorrow. 

Anyways, today is 21/6/2011, So...
Hahaha, Ryeowook with his awesome red hair. Damn cool~

Kay, so we ate crab for dinner!(: So niceee. I lovelovelove the prawns there. And the weird lala thingy which isn't a lala. It's spicy and niceeee! I think grew fatter. Like a LOOOOT. D: Gotta lose weight again. ): So, then there was the tea there. Then, mummy say I don't drink one, so I never drink. In the end, I tried. Walao, damn nice seh. So I quickly drank all my water from my water bottle and pour in the tea until like 3/4 full then my mum started scolding me for being such an embarrassment. Hehe. (:

So, I'm finally back in Singapore. Tomorrow got Chinese Orchestra and I am totally dreading it. D: Gahh, but at least we're going Suntec first. So, I shall sleep now. Gahh, my diamond dash is not loading. The internet here is worse than Malaysia's one. Bleh. 

We know that every father has a personal responsibility to do right by their kids – to encourage them to turn off the video games and pick up a book; to teach them the difference between right and wrong; to show them through our own example the value in treating one another as we wish to be treated. And most of all, to play an active and engaged role in their lives. - President Obama

Hopefully Ms Tay won't be at CO tomorrow.
