Sometimes we are less unhappy in being deceived by those we love, than in being undeceived by them...
Friday, March 18, 2011 | 9:22 AM | 0 comments

Hello(: It has been a while and my bloggie is dead -.-" No, dying.
Anyways, this week is the HOLIDAY WEEK!
Hehe, I barely did anything. Everyday, I just play com and read my storybook~
I am not even done with school homework. Psh, looking at the HW already make me want to puke. D:

Ohh, I was reading Awakened. Then, before Jack died (OMG, SO SAD D:), he was singing Defying Gravity. By Gleeeee. (Rachel and Kurt, I think. WTV) The songggg is frikkin nice(: Awesome shitzx, I tell you.

So, yesterday, at night. Kar Yee, Mandy and me. -.-" WE CRAPPED AWAY UNTIL 1.30am. We started composing this stupid crappish music. Which sounds totally terrible. First, Kar Yee started singing,"HOW DO I LIVE WITHOUT YOU? (Then she forgot the lyrics) Err... COVER YOUR EYES. HOW DO I BREATHE WITHOUT YOU? (She forgot the lyrics again) Err, FORGET IT!" So, I told Kar Yee it's not cover your eyes but I want to know. So, she started singing. And it turned out to be the correct lyrics. (: The awesome meee. :D Then, we started using my handphone, the music DJ application to create a melody. THE DRUMS RUINED THE WHOLE SONG. So, we got rid of it. Although we had no final product, it was friggin fun. I was singing Fireworks and Grenade. PLUS, I WENT CRAZY WITH "I CLOSE MY EYES AND PRAY!" (: I sang that sentence like more than 10 times. 

Today, I bet with Mandy that Mummy will come to Singapore today. If Mummy comes to Singapore today, she will have to give me 50 cents. And if Mummy comes to Singapore tomorrow, I will have to give her 50 cents. Anyways, I lost. I FRIGGIN LOST. I wrote this crappy contract so there is proof. -.-" Failed. Then we were like watching Music Bank and wondering why dinner was so late. We usually eat a 6.30 but we ate at 6.45. So I was guessing it was becausew we have to wait for mummy and Mandy said it was because the food is not done cooking yet and well, she was correct. So it was like totally failed.

Yesterday, I had my tuition. Then, Mr Soh gave me this piece of Pink Paper with like 37 pages inside. ALL MATHS QUESTIONS. And told me to give to Kar Yee so that she can print. So, I gave it to Kar Yee and told her everything, from the part where it was best for her to zoom in before printing all the pages and that using our printer, she has to scan first, then zoom in then print. Or not she can go to the National Library to print. It is easier there bcos can just immediately zoom in and print. No need to scan. She got so pissed cause I kept on ranting to her and calling her to print the crap. So retarded. She kept throwing the paper on the floor and I kept picking it up and putting it at her face. 

Oh on Wednesday, we went to pick Kailin up from her trip to Australia. She was in Ms See's group. Ohh, Ms See looked superr short and I totally couldn't recognize her at first. She looked soooo different. The first person I saw was Mrs Pauline Tan. She was so obvious. Can see her immediately. (: I saw Ms Teo also, talking about her, she isn't that bad. She can scold people until want to die liddat but if you get to know her, she is actually quite kind. Like Gao Lao Shi. Hehe, KCP is awh-shum. I miss Mrs Singh(: So, I saw Ms Teo. Said hi to her. And guess what. I saw him again. Ms Teo's boyfriend I guess. The previous time when we had handbells rehearsal at I forgot where, he was there with Ms Teo. Oh so lovey dovey. :D Thenn, we had Burger King. Well, not really. We had coke, the really really really yummy Mexican drumlets thingy.  It's like fried chicken with pepper. And onion rings. Hehe, it was really yummy.

Ohmigod, this post is like chao long and I am not done yet. -.-" Last thing to blog about, CO CAMP! CO Camp was quite fun la. But Sarah just had to appear and destroy everything.

So, I went to school. Feeling superr scared cause I dont want to see Sarah -.-" Then, Shenelle came and told me that Sarah has tuition so she won't be coming. I was so freakingggg happy. So before the lunch time, which is 12. It starts at 9 la. We were grouped into different groups. I was in group 4. (: So, the Committee introduced themselves. I still can't differentiate Siru and Siting. We played this game where all of us stand in a line. Then we have to say our name. Then, the rest of people standing behind us. We had to say all their names. Hehe, so funnn. I was at the start of the line, so it was really easy. There were like only 10 people behind me. 

Then, we had this whack dunno what game. We sat in a circle, then there will be this person holding this stick. You have to call someone else's name before you get smacked. I got caught like twice -.-" Luckily, not third, cause if its the third time, then have to do forfeit. Poor Kaye. She had to write the word Potassium using her butt. In the air, that kind la. I still had to do the forefeit. D: Because after that, Ms Chang changed the rules. If that person gets hit 3 times, then the whole section has to go out and do the forefeit. We were totally aiming at Cello and Bass. So, we kept aiming for Elle. But, in the end, Sophia got caught. So the whole plucking section had to go out, which means including me. We wrote the word KCCO ROCKS! using our buttock -.-"

Then, the butt dunno what game. So awesome(: We took the chairs then sit in a circle. Then, there is this extra chair. We had to keep moving on and on and on. As in, keep on moving to the empty chair next to us. Then, there will be people trying to get our seats before we can sit. Alvina (She is like, awesome la kay.) took my seat. Then, I wanted to take revenge but failed. -_- Hehe, I took Kelly's seat though. I find her super cool but Kar Yee thinks she is rude I have no idea why. 

After that, we went to the courtyard and played Captain's ball. We won! With 4 to 1. ^^ Me, being the awesome goal keeper(?) Aiyah, the person who catches the ball. But we had Siru and Siting, and they are like damn tall so yeah... But after that, we played the water game(: WATER BALLOONS ARE AWESOME. We took the water balloon and threw at each other. We have this 'queen' to protect. We wrapped our 'queen' with newspaper and we must make sure she doesn't get wet. My 'queen' was... Siru or Siting. I forgot who. :P Then, someone threw a water balloon and it hit straight at my back so made my back wet lorh. But very fast dry up so I neh change. 

Then we had lunch. Jaujieh, me and Kar Yee went opposite together. But we saw like a lot of people there so we went 7 eleven instead. Kar Yee bought a bread while me And Jaujieh bought cup noodles. :D I bought the hot and spicy one, so niceeee. As we were walking back, it started to rain, so we just dashed across the street -.- I stole cheese fries from Rachel(: Hehe.

Then, we managed to try out random CO instruments. Jaujieh was like showing off her YangQin skills even though she doesn't play the Yang qin.

Then, we just play random games lorh. We had to lie on each other's stomach and say a random fruit. But, Gevira kept laughing so her tummy kept shaking. THEN I JUST HAD TO LIE ON HER TUMMY. So, I kept giggling also. -.-" Pshhh. Then, we gave up. -.- We played something else instead. I was paired up with Jia Qi. So we sat in 2 lines. And stuck our legs out. There was grapes, banana, pineapple and apple. I was applee! So, Sam had to say like for example "GRAPES, PINEAPPLE AND APPLE!" Then, those people who are pineapple, grapes and apple have to run one round and go back to the original position then sit down. Then, the last one was rojack! Which means, everybody also run. Then, we run like mad. So chaotic~ 

We played the three legged race. We won FIRST FOR THAT! Hehe, we had to tie our belts on our legs. Cause the strings is like totally lousy lor. Then, Nicole couldnt use her belt cause it was the KCP one so it's stuck to her back.So, after we tie, we just walk lorh. Nicole, H Jia Xin, Shenelle, Li Fei and me were in group 4 together. All thanks to Jia Xin and her awesome idea, we managed to get number 1 lor. After that, Sarah suddenly appear out of nowhere. I kena shocked. Almost cried okay. Luckily, she was in Group 3. So I superrrr luckyyy(: I think it was Jaujieh who managed to save mee. Then she kept screaming that I was her number 2 best friend. Poor Shenelle was her number 1 best friend. Her third best friend is Lee Ann. Anyways, when she appeared, I almost died la. -.-"

Then, we had this Amazing race. With 4 stations. The first station for me was the one with the dish washing liquid and the marbles inside. We had to use the chopsticks to get all the marbles out within 2 minutes. So we like managed to finish it within a few seconds(: We are awesome, deal with it. Wheeeee. Then the second station was the bottle one. We had to use the string to grab the bottle out of the weird square thingy. We had to hook it, it was quite hard la. Then, the next one was in the gym. It was Sam's station. She told me Michael Jackson and I had to keep passing on one action to the next person and next person. But we cannot talk. She called me to do Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga, then I didnt know what to do. So, I didn't do it. In the end, I did chicken which was totally simple. Jia Xin guessed the Michael Jackson as Moonwalk which was wrong la. I started by doing the pelvis thrust crap. Then, Nicole changed it into the moonwalk. After that, it wa the last station. The one in the canteen. They filled this cup with water, then we had to use our mouth to pass the cup on and on. It was disgusting. The water kept going into my mouth -.-" So, we rannnn and ended up being second. Group 1 was the first. 

Then, at the end of the day, we had this prize giving. We were third. And I got 2 jellies, 2 twisties and 1 chicken ring thingy. Overall, it was quite fun lurh. But, Sarah destroyed it -.- 

I will upload the pics 2moro. Cause my com is in malaysia, I don't wanna bluetooth my crap into here. :D Ohh, and I am still wondering which one to buy. A laptop or a desktop. Gahh, I dunnoh la. 

So, gotta sleep now.
Hehe, Bai everyone(:

"It's all right to love someone who doesn't love you back, as long as they're worth you loving them. As long as they deserve it." -Sophia (Clockwork Angel)
