Friendship is a single soul living in two bodies.
Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 8:26 AM | 0 comments

Ohh Joy. It's Saturday again. I got a stupid damn fever :( On Friday. Oh well, I almost died in school. Bleh. I am like taking panadol like mad liddat. Then today, I had my parent teacher meeting. I was so frigging' scared that Ms Tay will like blabber crap to my grandparents. So, I didn't go for PTM then Kar Yee went inside the cless also. So, right Kar Yee told me that Ms Tay said that I was a very sweet girl (Yes, I am). BUT, Kar Yee just had to cough at that time, then Ms Tay said that Kar Yee was veh rude. :D EHEHEHEH.

Ohhh, Shekhu is still awesomeeee. She is so funnyy seh. "YOU GIRLS ARE SO STUPID!" XD Hahah. So nothing much happened this week.

Found out that we changed our timetable. Everything is still like the same except for IT. IT changed into ORAL COMMUNICATION. WHICH MEANS MORE BTAY. EEWWW. Noooo. D: Sucks man. 

Yangqin is still super funn to me! I am gonna buy it soon like during this week. SINCE ITS THE HOLIDAYS! *JUMPS AROUND* But, it's only for 1 week. And veh fast, one week gonna be over alr. ): Ohwell, I learnt how to play 菊花台,听妈妈的话 and 大长今 

Kailin is now most probably having fun in Australia. School trip lorh.

Super happy sia. St Rose finally won championship since I-Have-No-Idea how many years. Then Ying-ah said it's because the standard rose up after I left. Mean but true. Bweh.  

Dream High is like superr nice leh. :D But made me cry also. Loveee that show. Bae Yong Jun. XD His appearance always makes me laugh I have no idea why. Suzy is so awesome-ly pretty. Eunjung also. (: 

Lala and her donkey -.-" She says that the name 'Jaejoong', sounds like a donkey, so she said Jae looks like a donkey. Then she started calling Jae, donkey-face which is so not true. Jae is cuteeeeeee, handsome, pretty and awesomeeee(: 

Vic is at her church camp now. :D She sat with a Sec3 girl on the bus -.-" She said that she will sms me and Lala everyday at night(: And we musttt reply. Hehe. Ohwell, she must have fun. With Pretty Pliney aka PP. 

Oh and pray for Japan, yeah? The tsunami and the earthquake): So many people dying. Lets just say a little prayer and hope that everyone will be safe(:
