A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
Thursday, February 24, 2011 | 6:32 AM | 0 comments

Camp is super awesome I tell you(:
I was superduper happy when I heard that I was in group 2. 
Which means it's Ms Wu and not Ms Tay :) 
But 2moro it's gonna be Ms Tay, so... D: Tough luck.
So Kar Yee is gone. In Johor! I'm so happy cause it's like totally peaceful :D
I'm mean, I know.
So I'll blog about the LEAD G-race for day 1 and 2~

So yesterday, we stayed in school. [Note to KarYee: Bryan Tan wore a blue polo shirt and his jeans]
We heard this long blabber about why the name is called 'LEAD G-race' and about leadership. I totally wanted to sleep sia. And then, we played the scissors, paper, stone with the whole sec 1. It was sort of retarded. Yalin lost to meeee(:
But I lost to Ying-ah ): Then, after that 105's trainer started dancing really un-glam-ly. DJ GOT US FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN~! The song is awesome but the dance is... -speechless-

Then my trainer is Alden Tan or smth liddat. Then we played the weird ball game, where we threw the ball around and had to make sure everyone touches it. It was stupid, but the ball was super cute. You could squish it and it has a smiley face on it. :D

After thatt, what did we do uh? Ohh, we played the weird weird hunter's squirrel. I was the squirrel and it was terrible. i had to squat and my legs hurt like mad. D: I got cramps mah. So almost died. "FIRE!", "EARTHQUAKE!", "HUNTER!" So boring, I do not like that game. 

So, then we had the cheer-making and flag-making. The cheer is retarded. Purely retarded. Lala wanted to march. But no, we are not marching. However, Ms Tay wants us to shake our butt. Perfect. How perfect.Then, the flag uhh, looks okay la. But excellence spelled as Excallance -.-" So failed. The star and the humans are like so cute :D Then, the hand at the corner, was super extra but it was okay luh. Overall, it's fine.

Ahh, then we played the STUPIDEST GAME EVER. THE HULA HOOP LIFTING GAME. I WANTED TO DIE WHILE PLAYING THAT. We almost killed lala cause we accidentally push the hula hoop to Lala, then Lala move back, her head hit the wall -.- Poor her. Anyway, the game is retarded. We had to stick our fingers out and use it to move the hula hoop up and down. Then Ms Tay came and guidde us. WE TOOK FOREVER. I WAS SO PISSED. WE TOOK LIKE TEN MINUTES?

Then, we played the blind leading blind. Another stupid game, (So like all the games are stupid) We have to blindfold ourselves and hold the string and make shapes. SO STUPID. WE COULDNT SEE AND WE JUST HOLD THE STRING STAND THERE DONT MOVE.

Oh well, the best part was truth or dare. It was awesome. I hugged wu lao shi and Ms Tay. Everyone said I have germs and that they wont touch me ever again after that -.-" 

Anyways, it went like.
Me: Ms Tay, can I have a hug?
-Ms Tay goes o.o-
Ms Tay: What? Why?
Me: Cause Vanessa told me to do it, cause we are like playing truth or dare
Ms Tay: What do you get after you do it?
Me: Nothing? It's just a game.
Ms Tay: Vanessa, 20cents and I will hug her. The 20cents will go to the class fund.
-Vanessa takes out 15cents-
Ms Tay: Fine, I will do a 15cents hug.
-Ms Tay hugs me- 
Everyone: Aww.
Me: -.-"
Wu Lao Shi: Wah, so brave!

Anyways, I will post about the second and the third day 2moro cause I have to sleep.
Had too much fun pranking Vic, Nat and Jan with the time machine :D
Vic is pissed with me now cause i said she will never grow. LOL.
