Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?
Sunday, March 6, 2011 | 6:13 AM | 0 comments

Hihi people. 
I just blogged yesterday.
And I am gonna blog today. :D
Muahahaha. I changed the bloggie thingy.
But yesterday's one was on CAMP! And it was a draft I saved like loooooong ago -.-"
Psh. I am lazy at times :/ Oh well, at least I am blogging now.
I shall blog about what happened during er... this week.
It's like 9.41P.M. now. So most prob I'll save this as a draft and like continue 2moro. 
I'll just crap about all that I can first(:
And, my whole body is like totally sore. Curse swimming D: I knocked my head on the stupid friggin wall when I did the back stroke thingy. Then either Kacie or Mandy kicked my back on accident. After that, Andrew just randomlly came to me and punched me on my back on the same spot. Hurt like mad seh. D:

Anyways, I shall talk about Miss Shekhu. She is awesome-ly funneh. Especially when she scolds people. "I WANNA THROW YOU OUT OF THE WINDOW!" LOL. Then, we all laugh like mad. Then the songs we learn during Geography is also sooooooo awe-shum. Hehe. (Y) I'll post it up next time I blog. Too lazy now. :) Pinky promise~

So, that time during Geog, we were like super noisy. Farizah wanted to keep us quiet by screaming 'ONE SIX'. Then Miss Shekhu was like,"WHAT ARE YOU DOING GIRL? SCREAMING LIKE THAT? SO RUDE. GO STAND NEXT TO THE DOOR!" Then, a few minutes later. Like around 5 minutes++ later, she said,"GIRL! WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE? WHO CALLED U TO STAND THERE? COME BACK AND SIT DOWN" Then, we laughed like mad. Cause it was her who called Farizah to stand at the corner. Her memory is failed -.-"

Then, we heard about the news that we only have 2 weeks with Mr Lim, aka Cher(: Then we were all so sad D: Cause IT is only for 1 term, I think. Oh well, we were super sad. ): IT was my fav subject. 

Meh. I think Vic is pissed with meee. Cause I insulted BI Pliney aka Sean. Or smth. -.-" I drew him like really fat (Cause Lala said he was fat) and then wrote there I love Vic. Then, I think she is pissed with me D: And Lala thinks he is half-indian cause his surname is Indian-ish. Oh well, I didn't even know what I did wrong. Yet I feel guilty. I want to apologize but I dunno why I am like scared to approach her. Oh well... Qianlin is scared of Vic now -.-"

Sara. She is no joke, I tell you. That time during CO, I drank my water bottle then she asked,"SIMMI, SINCE WE ARE BEST FRIENDS, CAN I DRINK FROM YOUR BOTTLE?" I practically screamed at her,"NONO! I AM SALIVA CONSCIOUS!" (Which is totally a lie. Cause I share my water bottle with like 3/4 of the class -.-") And I don't even get it. Why does she call me her best friend? Until Gevira asked Sara,"Why do you think that Sim Yee is your best friend?" Then Sara said,"Cause she is so cute (I know I am.) and she is so nice." -.- Gosh. I have no idea what I should do with her. She brought home her pipa for 1 day and she broke the string alr. Hiahz. Somemore, its JauJieh's one. Then, the poor Nicole. In pipa also. She hates Sara like mad. But they from same instrument so have to be together. I totally pity Nicole. But I pity myself more -.-" 

Though I love Yangqin. It's soo fun. I bought my sticks for 15 dollars and I still haven't buy my yangqin yet ): I'll buy it sooooooooon. (: I'll post a picture of it. 

So on Friday, I was like PMS-ing like mad. Cause Kar Yee made me give her the weird English thingy. Then it took up so much of my computer time, I got like totally pissed. Then, after that, I couldn't find me bear. And I can't sleep without it. And Mummy told me to sleep without it just for 1 day. Cause, I search through the whole place, also cannot find. -.-" Then, I dunno why. I started crying. D: Then the next day, Andrew told me he hid me bear in the bag. God, so pissed with him seh. But he is so cuteeeeeee~

Oh me Malay exam. Like crap seh. 1 hour for 14 fill in the blank questions. Then everyone fell asleep. Like 3 girls couldn't wake up. There was this girl who drool-ed all over the paper, then the whole of her test paper was filled with her saliva. So sick. Then, the boys keep talking bad about her behind her back -.-" My oral will be 2 days later. Cause we had no time and all. But have to memorize now. Totally die. I tell you. D: Oh for the test paper, I didn't know how to do like 4 questions. # and - called in malay. I didn't know what it was.
# = dwipangkah
- = sembang (I spelled as Sempang. Crap.)

Ohohoh. Kpop time(: JQT is awesome. I like them so much. Especially the rapper. So pretty. (: I love her hair like mad. And beast's 'yet' is so niceeeeeeeeeeee. I love it. I am still veh sad bcos of JYJ and Homin. Homin sang balloon with SHINee (without Jjong, I have no idea why) and it sounded so different. D: AKTF~! 

So that's it. YAY! I didn't save it as draft! So yeahhhhh~
Thank you ppl~ Love you allllll~
