"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control."
Monday, December 13, 2010 | 7:41 AM | 0 comments

So... this was what happened,
On Tuesday, umm... 7th December (I think), Nat told me that there was this competition at seoulfm, winning JYJ Limited Edition Photobook and you needed to go to twitter to type these hashtags '#jyjseoulfm' or '#dbskseoulfm'. And seoulfm said that it will be due the next day at 10.30 am. But I had to sleep at around 1.30 am. So I told ying-ah to stay up until 4 for me. I begged her and she told me to tell her 10 reasons why she should help me. 
And, my reasons were, 
1) I love you so you should repay me by doing this
2) I am your friend, and as a friend. You should do everything you can to make her happy
3) I am gonna become ur minion
4) I will love you 4eva
5) If I get it, I will let you touchtouch it
6) If u dont do it, I will start to cry. And when I cry, nothing good happens.
7) I will kiss u if u agree to do it
8) U will be my superstar
9) U are my bestbestbest friend
10) I lovelovelove you
She said all my 10 reasons are invalid but she still did it -.-" But I am still sososo thankful and from here, I will scream "YING-AH AND VIC, I LOVELOVELOVE YOUUUU"

Now, about the africa trip~
So, it all started when Vic asked," You think maybe we are not fated to be friends since so many things are stopping us?" Then I said, "Let's run away." Ying-ah then replied,"WTH?!? RUN AWAY TO WHERE? THE LONGKANG?" Vic suggested Woodlands but no, cause my aunty stays there. Then I suggested Africa. Ying-ah said," AFRICA? Why you all think so far? I only think until the longkang. OH! THEN SY WILL GET EATEN BY THE LIONS THERE!" I said,"WHAT?!? I WILL MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE LIONS FIRST! And then, Ying-ah will pay for the plane money~" Ying-ah replied," Why me? You are the one with the money" So, in the end, MY GREAT brain thought of SWIMMING there~ Teehee.

What else, ah, I know. The story of us being animals~
Kay, so I am the ostrich which turned into a hippo...
Vic is the chicken and 
Ying-ah is the duck
This started because of me again, I think... but WTV (AHAHAHAHAH, BUAAHAAHHAHA, MUAHAHAHAAHA) Anyways, Cause Vic asked me why I dont talk when we webcam. I told her cause my parents are around and I dont want them to know that I was talking to her and Ying-ah so she said to change names for them. I suggested Chicken, duck and ostrich for Vic, Ying-ah and me respectively. Teehee~ 
Then the next day, Vic said she dreamt that she was in Africa and then she got kidnapped by Barbarians, then vic told them that she was actually secretly a chicken~ Then, they didn't hear of chickens before, then vic said that next time, she will visit the barbarians again with a duck and a hippo.
So, I heard and asked vic why it was hippo and not ostrich. She said it's because she don't know how to spell ostrich~ So I turned into a hippo -.-"
