I try to laugh about it, cover it all up with lies. I try to laugh about it, hiding the tears in my eyes.
Thursday, March 3, 2011 | 5:38 AM | 0 comments

Bleh, I am like playing the weirdweird photosticker -.-"
Oh well, KC seriously suck. Oh well. It's just 4 years.
My teachers all suck like mad. Other than SOME KCPians and a few of my other classmates are nice.
Sucks. D: I'll just think on the bright side and try to enjoy Sec sch -.-"

Curse Ms Tay -.-" So, today was like the worst day among the 3. Cause today was actually with Ms Tay. Bleh -.-" She brought us to Marine Parade. She scolded 107 cause they choose the class seats. Walao, then Poor Rae sat next to Ms Tay. Ms Tay blabber non-stop sia. So ,we reached. Then we did crap there.

We had to spot for the weird weird ungraceful actions and DO graceful actions. We went Mcdonalds outside there first. We went in, then 1 minute  half a minute later, we had to get out. So we took turns then we walk to the damn bus-stop. We had to walk on the crappy overhead bridge. Walao, It was super un-glam when we had to run on the escalator -.-

Then, at the bus- stop, Ms Tay made us stand in one line, then we stand there, stare, take notes like idiots liddat. Then, people were like staring at us. Debbie and I found tissues on the floor. We were like SUPER kind and picked it up. So, after that we went I forgot where.

This AWESOME old woman was listening to her ipod. Ke En was like YO! YO! YO! Then, we offered our help again. But in Chinese -.-" Also la, she rejected. She walk like super fast lorh.

Walao, then the group one show their true selves. D: So noisy unlike the first 2 days -.-"

Then, we did our crap cheer. We lost. Like damn obvious we totally lost la. What we did was like bad. It was so soft. And i kept trying to squeeze in the middle so no one can see me. Psh. Failed. I know.

After that, Ms Tay was most probably super pissed with the fact that we didn't win number 1. So, when we had the photo-taking at the end, she was like in a bad mood. Then scolded the class committee for not arranging us.

Aiyah, she like mad one -.-"
Scold people for no reason.
Gotta go now.
I'll blog some other day.
