You disappeared from my life, I didn’t hold you back.
Friday, December 7, 2012 | 2:29 AM | 0 comments

Jack Frost.
Each time I breathe, I miss you.
When I think that we’re living under the same sky, I go crazier.
Though I’m like this, I can’t let you go
I see that couple fighting outside my window
They look like us in the past and tears well up
Look, don’t do that and just hug her.

——Caffeine/Yoseob (ft Junhyung)

Hehe, I re-decorated(?), I don't think that's the correct verb but I don't care la, my whole blog and I'm proud of it. (: And I went back to December 2010 to read my blog posts. WOWWW, not only was english horrible but my thinking was super immature too wth. Hahah, but yupp, I'm recently crazyyy over Jack Frost. OMGGG. And I watched Nabari No Ou again with Mandy lol.

Righttt, so I'm gonna blog about my trip to Australia. But before that, 2 days ago, I watched Wreck-it Ralph with my family at Mid Valley. IT WAS AWESOME. LIKE SUPERDUPER AWESOME. I teared up at some parts but I thought that the story was overall, really creative. Vanellope looked like the girl from Despicable Me but with Candies in her hair and a deeper/rougher voice. I really liked her though. She was soooooooooo cuteeee. Turbo is so scary looking ): BUT YUPP, IT WAS REALLY NICEEE SO GO WATCH ITTT. (:

Sooo, back to Australia~

DAY 1 (121117)
We kinda left on 16/11 (Friday) but it was a midnight 2.40am (Gld Cst time) planeee so we reached the next day at 10am in the morning. The plane ride was justttt... mostly consisted of sleeping lol. I was so freaking tiredd hahah. But after reaching, it was raining realllllly badly. The storm and wind was crazy. But apparently, we were veryyy lucky cause our plane landed before the rain so we weren't stuck in the middle of the sky getting blown away or thunderstruck. I'm not even sure whether it will happen or not but whatever. ^^ So after reaching, the driver came to pick us up before dropping us at our hotel, Grand Chancellor. It's a really nice hotel hehe. Very central so food is all around and of course, you can't miss out the beach. (; I swearr the amount of half-naked sexy looking men were all around okay. We went at the period of time where the high-school (schoolies) just graduated so there was a one week party which happened to start on the day we reached which was the Saturday. Honestly, the place was noisy and messy but of course, the party mood was there and the eyecandy heheh. Yupp, the first day was just checking-in and walking around the area to see got what restaurants and all. We ate Vietnamese food for dinner. It was okay la, but extremely salty lol. But the beach was really nice. (: It was so clean as compared to Singapore or Malaysia haha. And the weather was really good too. Despite little rains, the sun was out most of the time. But the wind managed to even out the heat. I miss the wind there so much. ): Omgg, but the Schoolies party was at the beach from 5pm to 5am. Noisy as shit. The singing and dancing starts at 11pm and didn't end till like 4am at night. It was horrible but luckily I was tired. heh.

DAY 2 (121118)
Filled with shopping, I guess. We took a cab to Pacific fair. Ughh, Kar Yee went crazy at some Doctor Who posters. She bought her ipad cover too. CAPTAIN AMERICAAA. The quality of the cover was really good and it was very nice looking too lol. (Ohmyvocab). Ohh, I bought a bubble gum which was 180cm long and hehe, I don't regret buying it woot. We ate Jap food at one of the food courts in there. Omggg, it was soooooo damn good. I ate some rice thing heheeee. Then we went to the arcade near the cinema and played la. OHH I BOUGHT BRAS FROM ONE OF THE SHOPPINGS THERE HEHEHE. I was really satisfied okayy. Hehe, pink and white bras. So yupp, after shopping and everything, we took a cab back to the hotel and had Western Food for dinner at the seafood empire. I ate some fish thing which was realllllllllllllly nice. (: I ate some spaghetti too hah. After that, we went TimeZone at night. I got really bored cause my bro just dragged my dad around. I ended up playing some drum game. And it's the kind for little kids. NOT THE ADULT ONE. It was some song called cock horse or something. I can't remember but it was really funny. Omggg. Hahaha. Ohh and we changed room so me, karyee and mandy slept on one freaking bed together. IT WAS HORRIBLE. LIKE SERIOUSLY. I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING. ONE KEPT SNATCHING MY BLANKET AND THE OTHER KEPT PUSHING ME OFF THE BED. GODD, IT WAS SUCH HORRIBLE NIGHTTT.

DAY 3 (121119)
So yupp, after waking up feeling horrible, I washed up and had the hotel breakfast. We went to seaworld lol. On our way there, we went past this shop called condom kingdom, like wts. LOL. It was spongebob and dora-fied. Haha, I was claiming that Diego's my boyfriend. Omggg, I took a pic with patrick and Mrs Puff lololol. So yupp, we sat on some roller coaster thing, jet rescue. Goshhh, it was mind blowing. You just sit there and zoom. I swear it didn't even last for ten seconds okay! But it was funnn(: Hehe. We fed and touched stingrays. They felt... slippery and weird. Well, I'm not a fan of animals. Being seaworld, we saw penguins and sharks too. We were trying to see whether the sharks were females or males lol. Yes, we were that boliao. And the penguins wereee freaking cute hehe. There was this penguin just standing/posing there an Kar Yee kept claiming that it was her soulmate wth. We watched three shows there. The spongebob parade. GODDDD, WHAT THE HELLLL. Random cars moving around. With the spongebob people walking/dancing around. It was quite boring -.- and the immense number of birds. ugh. But the other two shows were pretty nice. The sealionn one was sooo cute and funny. But well, huge amount of China people. Not that I'm against them or anything but they kept standing up to take pictures. What the heck, be more considerate la please. We are right behind okay. But other than that, it was niceee. (: The dolphin show was freaking cool too. Omgg, the way the trainers and dolphins interacted. They seemed to have such a close bond. <3 Aww, but the dolphins were realllllly in sync. It was great. ^^ Yupp, and we played some of the games there and won two big and ugly sotongs. Omgg, Kar Yee took the blue one and Andrew took the green one. IT WAS SO ANNOYING CAUSE SHE KEPT USING IT TO SMACK MEEE. We had Domino's pizza for lunch and well, it was nicee. hehe. We went back at around 5 and well, slept. Another horrible night. Gahh.

DAY 4 (121120)
I swear this was the worst day out of all of them okay. Goshh, after the usual routine of eating and all, we went Paradise Farm. I mean, the name itself was already reallly pathetic sounding. It was pretty deserted as compared with the other themeparks. well, duh. lots of china. Smelly animals. Saw pigs, llamas, cows, sheeps, chickens, roosters, ducks, etc. Hahaha, but the show was niceee. The herding show. They taught us how to use whips and all which was really cool. The sound was soooo loud. LOL, the sheeps looked really scared hahah. Then, they used the whip to cut vege. My dad was so excited lol. There was also this show where they taught us how to make billy tea or something and bread. Uhmm, it was pretty disgusting. -.- Ohh, but the cowgirl show was really cool. She was riding on this big horse which was so adorable looking hehehe. Lunch was horrible though. In the paper, they told us we would have bbq lunch. But they bbq-ed for us already so the steak was horribly hard. The spaghetti had weird tasting sauce. Andd the potato wasn't really good. ==" So after lunch, we went back to the hotel and went to the beach to play again. KARYEE STARTED KICKING WATER ON ME SO I KICKED BACK AND ACCIDENTALLY KICKED ONTO MY MUM. so this water war started and well, we got scolded by papa. -.- Haha, and then, we had ramen for dinner. The ramen was so goooood. (Y) Haha, many angmohs ate there. It was pretty amusing looking at them use chopsticks lol.


Andrew at the Changi Airport hehe.


The Dino world there was really cool too. (:

Random animals and penguin ^^

Spongy parade lol.


Dolphin showw and merry go round hehe.

Freaking paradise country hahah.

And the showw. Haha, when he was milking the cow. It looked... wrong hehe.

I'll blog about the next four days sooooooooon.
Well, how long. 
LOL, ok bye.
