I'm gonna give all my secrets away.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012 | 6:11 AM | 0 comments

Myungjong. <3
Faster than my eyes blinking, love came to me
Then left me – you can’t do this to me
Enough, it’s enough – stop hurting me so much

This night isn’t ending because of this lingering attachment
I don’t want to talk about things that have passed but,
I guess I really liked you a lotI keep thinking of you

I keep missing you moreAs time goes by.

Long time no see. (:
Yayye, back to blogging. I've been really lazy for the past few weeks man. And my internet isn't in the perfect condition. :/ It sucks, tbh. And it's pissing me off quite bad. So yupp, past few week, there was BMW which was nerve wracking and yet, totally awesome. What elsee? Oh, racial harmony day performances which as damn racist and well, life still goes on.

I shall start with BMW. Busking was damnnnnnn AWESOME. I can't even explain how overwhelmed I felt dancing in front of everyone. It was like that feeling of people supporting and screaming for you. Omg, since Grad Party'10 where I danced Nu'ABO, I finally managed to feel that same feeling again. Even though it wasn't perfect cause I screwed up Fantastic Baby but it felt great okay. And I managed to get closer with the Rachels, Seo Hwa, Fee and Stella. After all those times of practise. (: So yeahh, we performed a mash-up of Mystery, Fantastic Baby, Electric Shock, Lovey Dovey, I am the Best and Be Mine. The practices and the real performance, I really enjoyed everything, so it's way beyond satisfaction. And moreover, WE WON THIRD. WE FREAKING WON THIRD.All of us thought we screwed up but we won third. (: Hehe and Secrets is damn nice a song. 

During BMW, we had a classic tale part and we listened to the black cat. It was damn scary and angsty. LOL, people were dying and dying. Sadistic. But it was quite funny cause the narrator was like the 'black' cat and the 'white' cat and Thun kept complaining about it being racist and i just kept laughing. And for 'Who's Room Is It?", we were like panicking cause we realized at the end, we need quotes from the storybook to accompany each object in the room and we were like "Oh Shit" but it was a good experience luh. Have to thank Fiona cause she helped to ease the awkwardness. Honestly, I don't know how many people felt it, but I think after BMW, our class did become closer one way or another. Maybe it's just me but oh well. 

Ohh and for Music now, we're doing Lyrical Jazz which is damn cool. It's damn awesome and the dancing is like so nice but so hard. *o* And for ACES day this year, we're doing DJ got us falling in love again. The dance is so much better than last year's one. 

So yeahh, other than that, manymanymany teachers are leaving. I'm really sad that Mr Lim is leaving): Cause some suck-ish teacher is taking over. Mrs Aagi? Ms Aagi? Whatever it is, she sucks. D: So yeap, thats one and just today, Mrs Gladys Lim is leaving. Honestly, I still have mixed feelings about that. I know that she reallyreally can't teach but she is quite niceee. Except that she is extremely boring but she wants the best for our class. You can tell. I just hope our new teacher will be good. And by definition, good means really good.

That's it. Have to do Chinese HW. D: 
I really hope I get in, but I'm happy I told you about it too.
Let's just hope for the best and see what happens.

