Wondering whether I should trust myself...
Saturday, December 4, 2010 | 2:12 AM | 0 comments

Am I trustworthy enough? I kept asking myself that since yesterday. I've been thinking about what Janelle said. What she said was true even though it hurts to know that she thinks that about me.

I might just hurt Ying-ah and Vic once again since I hurt them before. And I know that Janelle doesn't want Ying-ah to get hurt again because of me.

When I told Ying-ah to hate me forever and never ever give me a third chance if I hurt her again, but she said no... And when I asked her why. She said ,"Cause there is no way for me to hate you. No matter how many tears you made me drop, no matter what you did, no matter how much you hurt me. I just can't hate you."

After she said that, I promised myself to never ever ever hurt Ying-ah and Vic ever again... Cause that will just make me the biggest jerk ever... And it will just add on to the guilt that I already have...

Janelle, I hope you understand that I didn't become friends again with Ying-ah and Vic because Sam is bff with Freda and Carrie and Enya are already bff. I just thought it was the right thing to do. Don't be pissed with Ying-ah for forgiving me easily. It was me who first asked, if you want, you can be pissed with me instead. And also, I promise I will never ever ever hurt Ying-ah and Vic again. Please understand...
After all the emo stuff, its time for funfunfun stuff.

Anyways, I am now nono scared of Germ-ah anymore. I became her 3rd mum. Athelia is her second mum. But, she has to look after herself. She sleeps way too little. Sometimes, she can even forget about her sleep and I wonder how she can do that. -.-" Well, at least she decided to sleep early last night. Listening to lullabies.^^ Hopes she gets better from her Migraine thingy. As I have said before, I cannot do anything as I am not a doctor but as her mum I will pray for her good health. XD Get better soon, yeah?

Next, I have been getting better sleep because I told Ying-ah and Vic EVERYTHING. From the top to the bottom. :) Feel muchmuchmuch better. No more troubles~ Thanks for understanding, and I can't wait for next year to be in the same school as you girls. <3

Ying-ah said that Germ-ah is a terrible name. Is it that bad? Pffffffft...

I was reallyreallyreally pissed with Kar Yee. Oh curse la. Not like as if I can do anything about it. So, gonna heck care.

And I learnt 'wtv' from Ying-ah yesterday. She said it means whatever. I don't know why but I am so amazed by 'wtv'. It makes me wanna laugh when I use it.  Especially to whatever Ying-ah says. I will be like 'wtv'. Then I suddenly get hyper, then I start laughing. I think I gone siao liao.

Kekekekeke, going to eat dinner now.
So until next time, Bai.
