The only reason I won’t let go of what is making me sad is because it was the only thing that made me happy.
Saturday, April 7, 2012 | 9:58 AM | 0 comments

LuHan is freaking cute, I swear. ^_^
As we go on, We remember
All the times we had together.
And as our lives change,
Come whatever,
we will still be, friends forever.
—— Graduation (Friends Forever)/Vitamin C

Okay, so I'm back with like the continuation of CAMPPPP. (: Sorry, I took such a long time cause I have been busy with school. Hiash, History CA on Monday and I'm still slacking. :\ Pffft, whatever la. Can pass, I happy already lor. Hehehe. ^^

So I left off at the Kueh Making. LOL, after that we went to sleep lor. They came and lights off for us at 10.30. So like, on top of me was Lifei. The bed next to mine was Fiona and Jingyi. The bed behind me was Vic and Jesslyn. I couldn't sleep until like 12+. Then I woke up at 2 again cause like everyone in the dorm started partying. Well, almost everyone. Kim Seo Hwa was apparently sleeping like a pig, hahaha. The other dorm upstairs was like even more high, they were like running all around. Van Wong and Cheryl Ng were like outside our dorm. They slept for one hour, and the next day they looked like damn tired haha. But like, at two thirty, I made everyone go back to their beds to sleep cause like Fee, Lifei, Jingyi and all were like trying to sleep. Pffft, I feel asleep at 3 and kept waking up at every alternate hour. -.- Although I slept for like 4hrs +, the next day, I also very dead uh. In addition, with my period, my cramps wasn't of much help. -.- Lee Yeh and Rachel Wee were like damn scared of the ghosts and all. Then, like there were a lot of insects la. Lala apparently couldn't sleep bcos Van Wong go tell her that cockroaches are attracted to wood and the bed is freaking made out of wood.

So, then the next day, we woke up and had curry puff and noodles la. It was quite nice. ^^ After that, we gathered at the open court and then separated to our groups uh. For my class and 202, we went to the SMK Dato Penggawa Barat. But like before that, ah boy had to check our waterbottles to see whether it needs to be filled or not. Then SeoHwa's bottle as like damn small and it was only half filled, so then he was like,"Byebye." which meant that she has to go fill up her bottle. Haha, she was whining like mad lol. So we got to that school. Omg, they were like wearing their batik clothings thingy. Like we some kind of king like that. And then, they played the drums all for us. Then, me and Lala were like o_o". All of us were like spacing out and was like,"Wow, how are we supposed to react to this?" Their hall, even had "CHIJ KATONG CONVENT" just for us and we were like,"If they came to KC, we wouldn't have done this for them omg."

So like, the MCs started talking la. The girl speak Malay then the guy translate lor. But when the principal spoke, no one translated for him and everyone was like totally spacing out. Pshh, but when they explained the whole Malaysia study system for us, it was in English so that's a good thing. ^^ After that, they performed Malay dance, Chinese dance and Silat for us. I swear the Silat part was like damn cool. They were like fighting/rolling/idkwhat over each other. The sound when they landed on the floor was like,"PIAK." It sounded damn pain la. Pshh, then after that we could like buy food/drinks/souvenirs. I bought the mango juice and shared it with Lala. Then I accidentally squeezed it onto myself then I was like laughing at myself. Lala was like,"What's wrong with you?" Then, I kind of like wanted to demonstrate what happened to me but I accidentally squeezed the mango juice on her instead. It was damn funny, I swear.

Then, we had our tour in the school. We were like going into the science lab when everyone else were having their lesson. It was bloody awkward haha, they were like staring at us and we were just walking around in the middle of their lesson. So like, after walkingwalkingandwalking, we got to the canteen and bought the RM 20cent Popsicle. I didn't buy uh, cause having my thing what. But like, I got some from Van Lim and Vic. The taste was uhh, quite bad la. But it's different for everyone. The taste just wasn't what I liked uhhh. Kay, what am I saying hahaha. Then, like after everyone got back, we left back to school. Pshh, I slept like mad in the bus. It was wayyyyyyy more comfier in the bus compared to the dorms.

Then, 202 and 206 were like late, so we had lunch later and like the two classes got back into the hall. Alexis did some briefing thing. Then she was like throwing her phone up and catching it. Then like after around 5-6 times of it, Ah boy suddenly went behind her and expected her to throw it again so that he can catch it. But she did not throw anymore and then turned around, looking at Ah boy weirdly, then Ah Boy was like,"Throw it again! I want to catch it!" Then Alexis glared at him and he just pouted and sat down. They are freaking funny la. So then, Ah boy was like holding onto his walkie talkie thingy and was like,"Okay, 206 you all will go outside." Then, he added at the back,"Ohh, I feel like some security guard, y'know. Hold walkie talkie, then orders others." Then all of us just looked at him like,"Are you serious?"

Then we went outside for our uhh team building. It sucked la. We had to hold this rope thing and go up and down saying random crap. Then it was like group 3 vs group 4. We started with,"Boom Shakalaka. You got no bola." Then, they reply with,"Boom Shakalaka. Then you all have meh?" Then, we just kept on screaming at each other. Starting from Alex and then to Mr Bent, then to Van Wong's height, Lee Yeh and Fee's height and then some Mr Seetoh crap. We just like randomly quarrelled uhh. But like, things got quite big, Lee Yeh was like crying and all. But like, in the end, it's all a game. ^_^

Then like after all the games, we went into the hall and played the whacko. Pshh, I got hit twice and had to do the punishment. I had to dance sorry sorry. It was so embarrassing I wanted to die omg. -.- So like, then we played and then did the preparations for camp uh. With the cheers. Another not so good experience. Lost all my voice screaming and it was like a total mess. The official performance wasn't that good too. But like, whatever la, I don't think anyone expected a lot from us. Just saying la. Then, Raelyn got sick lor. Haishh, she never eat la, then become like that. Well, at least she got better and all uh.

So, like after the looooooooooooooong preparations which seemed to take forever, we finally like came with a conclusion to just luanluan go up do it and just finish it uh. Then, we had more teambuilding~~ Haha, we had to take the ball and pass it on but the ball has to touch everyone's hands within the shortest time possible. It's damn retarded uh! Val just ran from one side to another within one second which was ah-mae-zinggg. She ran faster than Rach Neo which was like damn surprising. So like, after doing those teambuilding shit, we had dinner then we bathed uh. After all that, we had our song session. Everyone was like high and screaming like mad. LOL, Van Wong's face was all -_- Damn cute la she. Then, we sang everything and then brushed our teeth. Hahahha, it was like torture. Everyone just spat into the sea cause of the lack of basin. Then we slept uh. But like we managed to get a better sleep cause everyone was dead tired.

I'll just end here for the day. I might not blog tmr. See how first. I'm like not done with history. Well at least Exo is gonna debut tmr. ^^ Can't wait. xD LUHANNN. SEHUNNN. BAEKHYUNNN. I think I just fell deeply in love. Hehe, just created a weibo account. Pshh, to stalk Luhan. Keke. Come and follow me. I feel pathetic. -.-
