I trusted you, you were my friend. How could you do this to me?
Saturday, January 21, 2012 | 4:22 AM | 0 comments

We were in love and I only had her
But why, why did you touch my girl

I brush myself off and get up
As much as I suffered, you just watch
You mess with love, you mess with friendship

—— It's War/ MBLAQ

Hai everyone, I collected my edusave scholarship crap like on Friday the 13th. It was so boring god. There was this random musical which was extremely gay -.- I kept wanting to sleep so 3/4 of the time, so I wasn't paying atention. I know it's something about money and every 5 minutes, they start singing and dancing to some crap song. It was terrible la.

So, this blog post is gonna be long. It's gonna be about my Genting trip, like looooooooong ago. From 13th Dec to 15th Dec. Okayy, so...

Day 1
We went like up the hill, no mountain, no... whatever la, then reached at around 1pm. We ate our lunch at like on our way up and then my brother was like acting all gay because of the insects lol. I mean, even my dad said he was gay. -_- So, we were like just playing around with the games, earning the random tickets crap and trying to get soft toys. We spent like RM50 and got like nothing except for sand art which Kar Yee was doing and ended up pouring the sand all over the room floor. Fail, but then again, it's not our floor. LOL, I feel so mean. Then, we went to first world and played the stupid reindeer shit which was freaking scary. It's not very high la, and it's my second time on it. I have to say, the second time on the reindeer is scarier than the first time. Blehh, cause previously, i sat with Kacie and Mandy. And well, they were quiet. But this time, I saw with Kailin and Kaiqi. Mandy sat with Kacie and Kar Yee sat with Andrew. Kar Yee and Andrew looked bored behind us. But Mandy and Kacie were like too far for us to see. I was like panicking cause like whenever Kailin cycles on the thing, mine will move automatically with hers. HER LEGS ARE SO FREAKING LONG AND MINE WERE TOO SHORT TO REACH THE PADDLES. -.- Then, she kept laughing and whenever it like turns at the corner, there s this random unbalanced feeling and Kailin kept screaming and laughing. Make me even more scared can. But the Famous Amos shop is gone, so you can't smell the cookies. ): After that, we thought it was expensive and decided to wait for the second day and buy the outdoor and indoor full day ticket. We also played the random merry-go-round thing. Haha, I felt like a little kid. Kar Yee sat with Kailin and you can hear Kar Yee screaming,"STOPPPPP!" from like metres away lol. Cause Kailin kept turning the teapot thingy really quickly and Kar Yee gets dizzy like really quickly -.-What else ahh? Ohh, right and our sleeping positions. So I slept by myself. Wahh, sibei 爽 mann. seriously. By myself on the queen size bed can. LOL, then Mandy and Kar Yee are like scared for some reason so they sleep together. Mommy slept with Andrew and Papa slept by himself. Mummy, Andrew and Papa in one room and well, us in the other one. But, it's like connected lol. Kar Yee made a really big fuss, she kept saying,"WE NEED AN ADULT IN EACH ROOMMM." But no one really cared about her hahaha.

Day 2
Moving on, Day 2 is like the best day ever(: We played at the outdoor and indoor theme park for like more than 7 hours lol. Then, we realized alot of stuff.

1) The number of hot guys in Malaysia are wayyyyy more than Singapore
2) Most of the guys are gay. -.- Well, at least they act like one. (Including the purple shirt dude, the sissy and Mandy's 'best friend'. Ahem.)
3) Some random Amber look-alike
4) The rides in Genting spoil very easily and they get fixed really quickly too lol. Is this a good thing or bad thing?
5) Mummy really sucks at driving. 

Kayy, so like we bought the ticket and put it on our wrist and all. Then, the people who help to check the ticket will randomly start singing along to the Christmas song and you will just stone there like 'wth'. So when we went in, there was this biiiiiiiiiiig stage and there was this clown up there waving his hands around to gain attention cause he had some magic show, I think. But no one really cared about him, then Kar Yee, Mandy and me were like laughing at him lol. Then our first ride was the random car driving thing. You can control the speed and all, but it just follows the path. So papa, Andrew and Mandy were in one car, Kar Yee, mummy and me in another. So, we went first and papa they all were behind. There was this sign which clearly says "DO NOT PURPOSELY BANG ONTO THE CAR IN FRONT OF YOU." Then, mummy for some reason was driving extremely slowly and Andrew kept catching up with us so they kept banging onto us -.- Seriously, my bro drives faster than my mum. Then, me and Kar Yee were like screaming at mummy to go faster but she kept saying it was the fastest speed already. So after that, when we came out uhh, we kind of like saw this guy wearing purple and he was with another three other girls. That scene, was a little bit girly. I mean, why would a guy hang out with so many girls and he is like the only guy. Then, he's like short and skinny. -.- 

So then, we reconciled back with Kailin and the rest lol. After that, we went on the log ride. Yes, we queued there for like more than 45 mins omg. -.- Then, the ride was like 10 mins cause the boat thingy(?) went reallllllllly slowly. It's not very high. So then, I was sitting at the front, behind me was Andrew and then Papa on one log la. Then behind the three of us, it was Kailin, Kar Yee then Mummy. then on the last log, it was Kacie, Mandy then Jiu Jiu. LOL, Andrew kept saying he won't hold on to me when we go down but he ended up holding onto me and he screamed like mad hahaha. He's freaking cute. ^^ There are like two slides. One is like bigger the other one is smaller. The first one was like mad cause there is no seatbelt and it was like 恐怖. -.-  But like the path connecting the first slide to the second one is like damn far so jiu jiu started rocking the boat so that it will move faster, then papa did the same lol. Hahaha, then you will get wet from head to toe after the whole ride haha, but it was fun la. Too bad Kaiqi's too short or not we would have played it together. >:

Then after that, we felt bad for Kaiqi so we went to the children part to play the games there. We went on the teapot. -.- Kar Yee didn't sit on that because she will get dizzy and all. I felt pathetic on that thing hahaha. Then it started to rainnn. It was bad. All of us were like sitting there and decided to eat some snacks first. Hehe, then we decided to go back to First World and we sat on the roller coaster. Uhh, both the gays were there. ...The purple one and the sissy. Hahaha, Kailin and Mandy were like giggling like mad. I sat with Kailin and we screamed like mad. It was like damn funny. After that, the rain stopped and we went back out. We wanted to sit on the viking but they were like drying the place so we went on the pirate crap. LOL, Andrew was so scared. I sat with my mum. It's like this ride which will keep moving on and on. Something like a haunted house but it's way more gay-er pathetic-er. Then, when we were inside, I was like screaming,"HEY KARYEEEEEE! KAILINNNN." Cause they sat in front of us, and i thought they could hear haha. Then my mum was like,"Shut up la!" Then, there was this part where the sign said 'Do not look back' then I was like,"Heyy mummy, look back." She just looked at me like,"what's wrong with you?" After that, there was this corpse/mummy/idontknowwhat thingy. And well, it was obscene. -.- I mean he was naked and all then I screamed really loudly that it looked like Kar Yee. Although it was like freaking childish, it was funn. ^^ 

After that, Kaiqi and all came along and Kar Yee went with them on Jumbo the Elephant. -.- ...The funny thing was that we saw like many teenager boys sitting on that elephant like together. I mean, isn't it gay? For two guys to sit on one elephant, going up and down, and well they aren't that young. They are like around 18/19. Me and Kar Yee were like laughing at them. LOLOL, then while she went on that elephant with kaiqi, the rest of us decided to play some games. We played the one where we had to put the balls into the clown's mouth and then the ball will roll out and land on a number. There are a total of six balls and to get a prize, you need to get at least 27 points or above. We tried like 6 to 7 times. Kacie got like 25 then the guy there decided to be nice and gave us a small pink dolphin since we tried so many times lol. Kaiqi also went on the small up an down thingy. She looked so excited at first then she started to get bored hahaha. 

We went on the stupid caterpillar thingy which was pathetic. It was like damn slow and we queued up for like more than half an hour lol. The merry go round was just as pathetic hahah.

Then, Kar Yee bought some random Doraemon hat thingy which brings bad luck. -_- Bleh. I'll explain later. so, we went on the Viking next. Hahaha, it was like the funniest ride ever. At that time, Kaiqi, her mum and the maid went back to the room to rest already and papa brought Andrew to the Pirate show thingy. So the rest of us went on that Viking la. It's like 4 people per row. We sat on the left side, the last two rows.

The random stranger was like with another 10 people. Uhh, estimated. There was not enough seats on the right side, so he was the only one on the left side. Poor thing lol, separated from the rest but he was gay. -.- They were having this screaming competition. When he sat next to Mandy, he looked like the quiet kind, but he's mad. He's scream is freaking loud and high pitched. Mandy kept complaining after the ride haha. The ride wasn't actually scary, but his screaming just made everything wayyy scarier and more funnier too lol. We were laughing like mad when we first heard his scream. Mummy even cried while laughing. After the ride, we wanted to go ride the Dragon roller coaster. Mandy was like,"If I see him again, I am gonna kill myself." 

Karma or something, after we queued up halfway, we saw him starting to queue up and we started laughing. So, then back to the ride, the roller coaster was like funnn. ^^ I sat with Kailin and Kar Yee sat with mummy. We were like the ones at the front. My uncle sat by himself and Kacie sat with Mandy at the back part. There was this part which moved really slowly on this straight path. No one was screaming and I had no idea what I was doing so I just screamed then mummy called me to shut up. -_- I remember the roller coaster going into First World, like on top of the people eating. Then, we scream, everybody down there will look up at us lol. There was this part which went round and round, then something jerked, Kailin knocked onto me, and I knocked onto the side of the roller coaster and almost died. But Kar Yee was worse lol, mummy knocked onto her so the impact was harder haha. After that, it was like really late, so we had dinner and went back to the rooms. Dinner was freaking ex. -.- At 老地方. The food there wasn't that good too. Ohh, and we were supposed to get our own utensils. I didn't see the metal forks and spoons and so I took the plastics ones instead. Mandy was like, laughing at my stupidity. 

Day 3 (Last Day)
Overall, Day 3 was horrible. Like totally. Before we left the hotel back home, Kar Yee lost her rubber band then she snatched mummy's one and mummy got pissed and all. Say what, Kar Yee should have prepared earlier. And not wait until last minute, cause she was like watching the tv and not doing anything. Then, they quarrelled and all. When we reached the basement, Kar Yee realized that she forgot her freaking Doraemon hat thingy (that's why it's bad luck). ==" Mummy had to go all the way back up which pissed her off even more. Kar Yee got angry and all, started crying. Then, in the car, she go open the window big big, then start wailing. omg, it stinked outside because of the smell of gas. And then, they continued to quarrel all the way. They were literally screaming at each other. At least popo was there to calm the both of them down, or not it would have been worse. Then, we reached Mid Valley and they were still pissed with each other. We wanted to go eat the Hokkaido Ichibo and realized that we were too late. It actually closes at 2.30pm. Well, at least I saw the cute guys haha. That's why the third day was quite bad. 

Hell yeah, I finally finished blogging about Genting lol. 
So, I'll just add the pictures at the end. Bye. ^^

LOL, these pictures are all taken by Kailin. So yeah, pictures of me and Kar Yee~

Then, the rooms. + toilet and Andrew.

The view of outside.

Inside First World and the Reindeer ride.

The random Christmas tree.

BASKIN ROBINS <3 I shared the banana split with Carine and Kar Yee. Some people actually wrote their love letter on the wall haha.

Uhm, the ride which Kaiqi and Andrew wanted to go but were too tall. -.-

Now for the Outdoor theme Park. Yes, that's Kailin's hand.

The car ride hahahaha.

All the sceneries etc.

The merry go round lol.

From the caterpillar thingy.

Waiting for Kar Yee who was on the elephant with Kacie and Kaiqi.

That's the disgusting Doraemon hat.

The First World roller coaster.
That's all. It's a long post. Going to watch 'Frozen Planet'. hahaha.
