Saturday, January 11, 2014 | 1:39 AM | 0 comments
天快亮了 能不能别离开呢
沉默像首悲伤的歌 无声视线却模糊了
你要走了 也带走所有快乐
你倦了 心冷了 我哭了
你要走了 也带走所有快乐
你倦了 心冷了 我哭了
*那流星闪过 我们许下一个愿望
要在一起 绝不分离 你怎麽放弃了
**星空在闪烁 像你的眼泪 悄悄划过
当你放开了手 离开的时候
泪光在闪烁 而我的眼泪忍住 不敢坠落
你却已经远远 离开我
离开我了 梦醒了还剩什麽
回忆还旋转着 爱怎麽停了
——泪了/曾沛慈 (作词/曲:修)
It's going to be a horrible horrible year. The worst year in my entire life so far, actually. It's only the start of the year and I want to just disappear from this place called Earth. I'm so tired of life. And I don't want to feel this way, it's ruining everything for me. Having to balance IP life in TJ as well as the stress of wanting to do well in IGCSE is burdensome and exhausting. It's the first week of school and the teachers bombarded us with a whole bunch of homework, projects and test dates. I'm not smart enough, I'm not good enough, I can't handle it. And I don't know what to do about it.
So I'm stuck in a maze called life.
It's going to be a horrible horrible year. The worst year in my entire life so far, actually. It's only the start of the year and I want to just disappear from this place called Earth. I'm so tired of life. And I don't want to feel this way, it's ruining everything for me. Having to balance IP life in TJ as well as the stress of wanting to do well in IGCSE is burdensome and exhausting. It's the first week of school and the teachers bombarded us with a whole bunch of homework, projects and test dates. I'm not smart enough, I'm not good enough, I can't handle it. And I don't know what to do about it.
So I'm stuck in a maze called life.