I’m losing myself, I can’t even remember my name without you.
Monday, June 10, 2013 | 7:32 AM | 0 comments

If I had not met you that day, then I would not have experienced that pain and sadness, and memories filled with tears. But if I had not met you, I would also have not experienced that joyexcitement, preciousness, and the feeling of absolute happiness.

Week one of June holidays has flew by already and yepp, I just reached Malaysia today heh. I actually got pretty damn happy knowing that I would come back today cause the past few days was hell. With my family being so screwed up, omg it caused me to be really pissed. But things are better now, I guess. I'm still pretty worried for my JCTs though. Just the thought of it makes me sigh. 

Putting that aside, I guess my life was pretty boring. I went for some 3 days research exposure programme which was boring as hell. But then again, Science has never been one of my interests. Yupp, I got damn happy when the whole thing ended. I really don't want to be in the MRT for 19 stops again pls. 

Oh but yes, I've been crazy about koizora. Don't even ask me why. During the last week of IDE, Cassey started watching it with Jachin. So I decided to watch it too. Basically the whole show was just illogical and pretty much bullshit, but the ending just made me bawl like a baby. I highly recommend it, but before you watch it, please have a box of tissue with you. 

Yupp, that's it, I guess. 
My life of boring and meaningless events woohoo.
Gonna buy vans tmr and maybe go to the saloon.
Yay, I've become such a hipster.
