Isn't there anyone dear to you?
Saturday, May 25, 2013 | 7:42 AM | 0 comments

My pale lips become a bright colored rouge.

Sometimes it hurts, it hurts so much that it feels like your heart will cave in and the only thing stopping it are the gasps of air you take in between the tears.

So yes, here I am, hanging onto the thin string called 'hope'. Ugh, just when I thought maybe things would become better during the holidays, I'm just constantly being bothered by the thought 'JCTs are near, why aren't you studying?' Really, I can't even take a break in peace or just rest. And after JCTs, there are so many things which I still have to worry about. Promotions and other tests. Project Work and currently, even IDE. I'm really stressed and I don't know what to do.
I'm constantly asking myself the meaning of life. But still, I guess i just have to live by this. Thinking about it, 1/8 of my life in TJ is gone. yay, so 7/8 left to go. But I'm getting used to life in TJ already, well more or less. I've gotten closer to people, I know more people deeply and not just from their looks, I've learnt how to judge a person properly. The perks of being an IP student, I guess. Everyday you go to school and meet the faces of the 50 other people in your cohort. Well.
Oh but on a side note, there are advantages to it as well. I mean, smaller cohort = closer bonds. woohoo, so yay for that. But IDE currently is pretty fun. Learning TCM ain't that bad and it's actually pretty interesting as well. I'm just dreading the project work part omg. But still, lessons are quite fun and since there are only 7 of us, it makes things even more interesting in a way.
So yupp, back to studying.
Yeah, perks of being an IP student.
