I will always be there for you.
Sunday, May 5, 2013 | 6:48 AM | 0 comments

"Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change the direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm."

It has been like 10000000000+++ years since I've last blogged. Okay, I exaggerated. I would have been older than Yoda by now lol. School has been keeping me reeeeeally busy these days. And when I say busy, I mean busy. Le sigh. Anyways, there's two weeks left till IDE. And I seriously hope I won't die by then. Anyways, most people are having their mid-years now. So may god bless their souls and let their hard work pay off. For me, that's coming later and I'm seriously not looking forward to it. But, I'm kinda just chilling now, I guess. So, I'm gonna blog about my very special birthday haha.

So, basically I was really disappointed. Like really. Cause my dad just decided to go back to Malaysia like a week before m birthday and come back to celebrate Mandy's one. Honestly, for a moment there, I was pissed. And I remember clearly that my birthday was a Tuesday. And Tuesdays suck. I have school in the morning, chinese lit and bicultural until 4.40 and it does not stop there cause I have Aspen after until 7. Then, I have to take bus home and do homework. Sleep, wake up the next day and go to school, pdp and raymonds till 9. I was literally dreading it. So other than the tons of reasons why I wasn't anticipating Tuesday, I just felt like as if there was no point celebrating it. Cause at that point in time, it just felt like any other day.  I just felt so tired of life, I was just like,"Why am I doing this? What am I doing?" and I just felt like staying in bed. 

But anyways, so I went to school, feeling pretty lousy and during break, my mood just changed 180 degrees. At first, I felt like no one actually gave any shit about my birthday, but yupp, LEP'13 decided to buy a freaking cake from Awfully Chocolate. Guys, it was really good and thanks so much. I can't even thank you all enough. You guys just made my birthday 1000 times better than it was. To everyone else it might have just been a cake, but to me it felt like everything. Thanks for the surprise. Thanks for the cake. Thanks for the wishes. Thanks for the presents. Thanks for everything. You guys are so sweet, I can't even.

So yupp, basically that's all for my birthday haha. It was really better than expected. LIKE WAYYY BETTER. Anyways, I also watched Iron Man 3 on the first of May. It was awesome. I mean, people said it sucked because of the ending, but I really liked it. (Y)

April's over; May's here.
One more month till the holidays.
4 more weeks.
Hopefully, things will be better during the holidays despite the Mid Years after.
