I become more and more invisible
Monday, November 14, 2011 | 1:46 AM | 0 comments

OKayy, so on 111111, my grandparents, auntie (oldest one), her daughter (youngest one) and her son came to Singapore. They just went back on Sunday morning lol. So yeah, they stayed at Resorts World, then we went there to see them la. Okay so, Number 1, the room kinda sucked. I mean, the room is so bloody small and the balcony view sucked. -.- Then, Number 2, the place was so big it's so easy to get lost in there. o.o" Candylicious was nice <: I wanted to buy everything inside. LOL, we bought like three Hershey's Chocolates. After that, we went to din tai fung to eat. The food there was uh, pathetic. But I was like damn hungry so I finished everything <: Then, after that we went homeeee(:

Okayy, so yeah the place.

Then, the room <:

Andrew who got stuck up there and was scared to come down after climbing up.


DIN TAI FUNG. <which had terrible food, so therefore, I advice you to never go there.>

I shall blog about Jiu and the wedding and -ahem- later. <:

P.S. Blind by Trax is like damn nice <: Jungmo is hot k.
