You don't love someone for their looks, their clothes, or their fancy car. You love them because they make you happy.
Thursday, October 27, 2011 | 1:07 AM | 0 comments

So yeah, it was Vic's birthday yesterday. So, the two of us plus Ke En and Lala went to Plaza Singapura for the arcade + movie. We watched "In Time", starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. It kinda sucked. :P The storyline was niceeee but the ending was pathetic. Like what Latasha said,"Even Chicken Little had a more understandable ending." LOL. So the summary of the movie is that time is money.

So the movie focuses on the fact that people live up till 25 years old and they have this clock thingy timer on their hands. They have a limit of 1 year. After the time runs out, they die. Moreover, they use the time on their hand as money to pay for almost everything. "The rich lives forever and the poor dies young." Then, this guy by the name of Will somethingsomething appears and he comes from a poor family. His father died when he was young and at the front part of the movie, the mum died. The acting was kinda fail. ==" Then he met this random dude at the bar who has like another 100years to live. That dude gave Will his time and decided to commit suicide. So then, the timekeepers aka police comes and saw that the dude died, so they went hunting for Will. They thought that he stole the time from that random dude so then they took away all of Will's time. Then, Will went back to his poor state but then he fell in love with the millionaire's daughter and decided to take her away and runnnnnnnnnnnnn~ He took the daughter as hostage but actually he likes her. So then shit happens, the girl fell back in love with Will and she realized that she never had freedom before as her dad always make her stay with the random bodyguards. Uh, then she decided to take this chance of freedom to have fun with Will. LOL. Then they were playing strip poker or smth. <The four of us were like o.o> The kiss scenes were awkward. Then shit happens, they keep fighting and keep getting time from random places, timekeeper dies and they give up stopping Will and the girl from giving out time to the people. BlahBlahBlah, then they ended as terrorists kind of people. Like wts. -THE END-

So then after that, we went to this random Jap restaurant to eat. I suggest you never going there. The food there is cheap but it sucks okay. We were cursing lol. Cause right, the waitresses there never do anything then we have to pay them $4++ service charge. Even the ordering of food, they give us pencil and paper we have to write it down oursleves. Then we purposely complain damn loudly. Aahahah. Then Lala bought the Vitamin Drink (Lemonade) which tastes like shit but she kept claiming that it will make me grow tall so I believed her and drank it. I almost puked lol but Lala managed to finish the whole bottle. Haha, so Lala and me bought this random Udon thingy but it was completely tasteless. Ke En very poor thing lor, she bought the udon have to dip inside this sauce which is most probably soy sauce so she had a hard time but at least it had some taste. Vic bought this mini Curry Rice Set which was pathetic. Only sauce + rice. There was no meat we got so pissed. Haha.

After that, we went Arcade. We were like randomly playing with the machine to grab the stuff toys. We spent like $20+ on that and didnt catch anything. So, our conclusion was "They cheat us". Hahaha, then I had to leave already. But the 3 of them still went to 313 until like 4.30. I left at 3pm.

I have to say it was fun :D
Anyways, Happy Birthday Vic. And I LOVE YOUHHH!

We bought this random Coral Sea drink which tastes exactly like Sprite which we think that they added Sprite and blue food colouring together so that it can be more expensive. Hahaha.

My Tasteless Udon.

Then, pictures of us :)

